Win The Week: How Going Old-School Can Help Your Productivity
The Creative Factor
The minds & methods shaping craft, career, & culture. Wednesday Newsletters. Edited by Matt McCue. Branded by Coalesce.
It’s Monday, which is enough to give us some kind of anxiety, whether creative or otherwise. But never fear, we have one tactic to help you win this week, taken straight from the advice of our interview subjects.?
This week, Sports Illustrated Kids Art Director Drew Dzwonkowski shares the productivity hack for people who hate productivity hacks. It is decidedly old school — which is just why it might work.
“Setting a digital timer sucks,” says Hourglass-Freak Dzwonkowski (our favorite kind of freak). “But flipping over a brassy hourglass sets you on a one-hour deep focus session and gives you a calm visual reminder of how long you’ve been working.”??
So the next time you need to dig into deep work, replace your phone with an hourglass. It’s a beautiful desk ornament that actually serves a utilitarian purpose.
Read the full interview with Dzwonkowski here.