Win Over Cancer Newsletter - February 2018

Dear Patron

We are pleased to inform you that Win Over Cancer undertook following activities during February 2019:

A. Medical Support Services

1.    Free distribution of Prosthetic Bra:

a.    Your NGO has distributed prosthetic bras to more than 42 patients this month across 11 States.

b.    We will be extending this program to a prominent hospital from South India from March 2018 which will help us serve a larger community in South India


2.    Crowd Funding Activities: Win Over Cancer had taken up the responsibility for treatment of five needy children. These were:

a.      12 year old Nitin

b.      8 year old Baby Sarika

c.       11 year old Master Mustafa

d.      16 Year old Akanksha

e.      2 year old Baby Dua

By God’s grace, all these children have responded very well to the treatment.


Current status of the treatment of these children is as under:

a.    Nitin:3 months of treatment is left. The boy is attending school as a normal child.

b.    Baby Sarika: 2 months Chemo yet to be done

c.     Master Mustafa: Treatment completed. The boy is on maintenance therapy now

d.    Akanksha: 1 month’s Chemo yet to be done

e.    Baby Dua: Treatment of this child is complete and she is under maintenance therapy now.


An amount of Rs 16 lac was required to be raised for their treatment. Win Over Cancer had raised Rs 11.9 lac upto January 2018

This month we raised another Rs 1.4 lac .


3.    Awareness drives: February was world cancer month. Win Over Cancer undertook following drives to spread awareness on cancer among masses:

a.    Cancer awareness drive with Artemis Hospital, Gurugram: Event held on 4th February was attended by over 250 people

b.    Cancer awareness drive with Sarvodaya Hospital, Faridabad More than 225 people benefitted from the event, Coupons for free mammography were also distributed to female attendees

c.     Cancer awareness drive with youth at SRCC, Delhi University

“Creating awareness with fun” – more than 550 students participated in the drive, one of the biggest in Delhi this year

d.    Cancer awareness drive at Big Bazaar, Delhi

The event organized in collaboration with Max Hospital saw involvement of more than 100 Big bazaar employees

B. Financial Rehabilitation services

4.    Sponsoring education of Master Nitin: Win Over Cancer is committed to support real fighters. Master Nitin is one such boy. Nitin hails from a very poor family. The boy is attending school while undergoing chemotherapy. Win Over Cancer has decided to support this fighter boy. In addition to paying for his treatment, we have decided to pay for school fee. First installment of his outstanding school fee of 18 months was paid this month. 

5.    Skill Development training of Saka Gaitely: Saka, widow of a cancer fighter late Mark Gaitely has been struggling to meet her ends meet and support her lone child. Win Over Cancer helped Saka enroll to Tally – Win Over Cancer skill development initiative. On completion of training, she will be placed with an organization.

C. Others

1.    Media recognition: Various newspapers, web sites and e-news portals extensively covered the Win Over Cancer-Tally initiative to provide free skill development training to members of cancer impacted families. These include:

a.    Meri Delhi




2.    Leading oncology journal “We Can Serve” did a detailed story on Win Over Cancer initiatives including free distribution of prosthetic bra and skill development services 


6.    Other awards: Win Over Cancer was awarded by Justice Dhingra at an event in New Delhi, jointly organized by Delhi University and


7.    New Updates: Win Over Cancer website (

a.    Win Over Cancer added a new page on its website. Here we are listing products which are being used by cancer patients during and post treatment.


8.    New Projects: Win Over Cancer I looking forward to additional budgets to start prosthetic bra distribution program at other parts of the country 


We would like to thank you for your support and look forward to your continued patronage.


Your’s truly


Arun Gupta



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