Win the day by choosing a different way.
You can win every day - here's how.

Win the day by choosing a different way.

I know that feeling. You're in the middle of a crisis and you can't seem to find your footing. It feels like you're drowning, but you can't let go because everything else is at stake.?Some people say it's just a matter of "staying calm." I'm not convinced. There are many other ways - some more healthy than others - to cope with this type of stress. That's what we'll be exploring today: Win the day by choosing a different way!

?One surefire way to stay calm is by practising meditation. This practice, which has been around for centuries and is still used today in traditions all over the world, trains your mind so it stays focused on one thing - usually breathing. I recommend 4,7,8 breathing - deep breath in for 4 counts, hold it for 7 counts and exhale for 8 counts.?Not only can this reduce stress and anxiety but also heart rate.?

The way you start your day sets up everything. Think about the things you are grateful for in your life, what you focus on will magnify and when we are focused on the things we are grateful for, they suddenly multiply because we shift our attention.?Not to mention the fact that you will view the world in a different light, think of it as your own rose coloured glasses. The saying "if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change" is true here.?This is why it's important not to answer any emails or check social media first thing in the morning. Starting your day with these will more likely lead you to feel anxious about what you're supposed to do next which will just increase feelings of being overwhelmed. Instead, try intentionally seeking out silence first thing in the morning.

?It's time to take control of your life and start being the boss. Instead of letting those negative thoughts drive you around, choose motivating affirmations that inspire you and make it easier for you to act upon them. We mustn't lie to ourselves.?Our affirmation must be things that inspire us, and we believe to be possible otherwise they simply won't work.?Furthermore, if they are not linked to taking actions we are committed to, then we are just making a wish.

The next key is visualising what we want in our lives - if we can see ourselves living this way then soon enough everything will be possible!

Once you have these disciplines under the belt, you need to pay attention to exercise.?Exercise gets the blood flowing which will automatically improve your mood - motion manages emotion.?Now, we don't need to run 5km to get the benefits of exercise, taking a brisk walk with the dog around the block is a good start. Aim to do 30 minutes a day but start with 5minutes.?If you are at work and have access to some outdoor space, do a walk and talk instead of a traditional meeting in a room.?The fresh air and physical movement will do you wonders!?

You've heard the saying "leaders are leaders", well, it's true! Is there something amazing you want to achieve??Some big goal you are working on? Chances are someone, somewhere in the world has been able to do just that, and they probably wrote a book about it! You see, taking the time to read will improve your brain and your life all at the same time!

In conjunction with your reading, it's good to have a notebook next to you to write down your key takeouts and things you may want to act on.?This will improve your memory as well as how much of the information you take in.

There are so many ways we can get our day started off right and stay on a positive, productive path. We’ve shared some of the most important ones with you in this article-- take some time to think about what works for you! If silence isn't your jam or if it's not possible for whatever reason, try listening to music that makes your heart sing as soon as you wake up. Spend just 10 minutes focusing on something good before heading out into the world.?How do you start your day? Share how YOU win the day by leaving us a comment below!


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