Willy Wonka's Golden Ticket: A novel educational method

Willy Wonka's Golden Ticket: A novel educational method

With that high cost of education, a tough economy to work in, a high cost of living, many students are struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel, even the best and brightest ones. I've taught both nationally and internationally, and I've utilized a method that seems to work, motivate, and bring a smile to students' faces - but most importantly set them on a career path filled with success. I call this method Willy Wonka's Golden Ticket

What do I mean by this? Well, I've met quite a bit of super smart students in my life that have simply not been challenged to change the world and their domain or have lost hope for one reason or another. Some of them have that urge buried deep inside of them (and I have to dig deep to find it), but mostly, this urge never seems to surface unless as an educator pushes for it to emerge. 

I always thought, well, how can one motivate students that have lost that will, that dream of accomplishing something bigger than what they thought they could accomplish? And although there are many factors in the equation (some that I've discussed in prior posts) one major factor seems to be critical based on my experience; Willy Wonka's Golden Ticket

I have provided students in my career with opportunities that they didn't realize were possible be it a paid position in our lab (when other educators have said negative things about them & their ability based on their grades), or internship opportunities in a field that they are passionate about but did not have the resources, connections or knowhow on how to reach that milestone. This is what I mean by a Golden Ticket.

I want to note, that a Golden Ticket is not just a simple opportunity provided to a student. Here is how I define it:

  • It is a major opportunity, one that comes with many implications, responsibilities, and many times an income if a student especially if the student is struggling financially.
  •  It is truly a Golden Opportunity that the student will see a lot of value in.
  • It is an opportunity that I actively seek out as an educator for the student in mind and not something that lands on my lap. What I am trying to say here is that I go out of my way for the student to receive this Golden Opportunity.
  • It is usually something that the student thought they cannot attain due to a number of factors such as 1) Financial situation 2) Lack of self-confidence 3) Lack of industry connections. 
  • It is something that I seek after assessing the student - so it is somewhat of a calculated risk that I take. I simply have to be convinced from my interaction with the student at hand that they have the will as well as the motivation level required to receive this Golden Ticket

Here are some Golden Tickets that I've provided past students with that I saw a lot of potential in - with that said I always make a point clear to all of them "Here is a Golden Ticket, you have to perform, and its not only your reputation on the line, it is also mine".  

1. High paid Internship opportunities through my various contacts 

2. Funded positions

3. Tuition payment through grants and internal scholarships

4. Experience working on high-profile various projects outside of the classroom

5. Paid travel to conferences

6. Media exposure for great work they have accomplished

I have always seen a return on investment. This method has never failed me as an educator, and not only do students gain confidence, they always surprise me with their ability to succeed under stress, and the results I've seen are outstanding. 

In short, have faith in your students, even when other educators don't. Harness their strengths and help guide them to reach the goal they have in mind, and be a step ahead of them in terms of creating opportunities for them either in the University or outside the University. Provide students with Willy Wonka's Golden Ticket, and they will be the next Charlie and make you, your department, college, and institution proud; becoming not only a passive part of the society they live in, but active members that will one day provide Willy Wonka's Golden Ticket to someone else!

Ibrahim (Abe) Baggili PhD, 

Elder Family Endowed Chair, Assistant Dean

Tagliatela College of Engineering, University of New Haven

Co-Director, Cyber Forensics Research and Education Group (UNHcFREG)

Editor-in-chief, Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law


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