Willpower -Your Secret Weapon part 2
In a recent post, we explored how it isn’t any particular kind of brilliance that all entrepreneurs have in common, but rather a deep well of willpower they are able to draw upon daily.
For the vast majority of people, success doesn’t come overnight accompanied by a thunderclap and a bolt of inspiration. It comes from getting up every single day, and getting stuff done.
Today, I wanted to share 5 top tips for generating and maintaining the willpower required to do exactly that.
Let’s get to it!
1. Make a to-do list – nothing boosts willpower like feeling you’re on a roll. Before you leave your desk each evening, make a list of the things you’re going to achieve the next day. Be as detailed as you can and break bigger tasks into smaller chunks so you can cross items off regularly and keep that momentum going.
2. Put your neck on the block – set firm deadlines and advertise them to your clients and customers. Sure, it’s easier to say: “It’s going to take me a week or two.” But then you can be pretty sure it’s going to take you two weeks. Make yourself accountable to avoid getting lazy.
3. Find what works for you – whether it’s pomodoros or deep-flow marathons, everyone has their own rhythm. Understanding yours can do wonders for your productivity. Always struggle to stay focused around 3pm? Go for a brisk walk or grab a coffee instead. You’ll come back fresher and avoid self-esteem damaging periods where you just can’t seem to keep on task.
4. Overcome the inertia – willpower is a funny old thing. More often than not, it’s starting a task that’s the hard part. Overcome that little hump up front and you’ll often find yourself in the flow zone much sooner than you think.
5. Look after yourself – willpower is about more than just your mental game. It’s a well-established fact that regular exercise can have a transformative impact on your mood and energy levels. Make sure you set aside some time for your physical health – you won’t just see the difference on the scales, but at your desk, too!
Your CFO Solutions Queen