Willingly Serving …

Willingly Serving …

Galatians 1:10 “Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.”

Abba Father good morning – It is impossible to serve both the ways of this world and the ways of our living God, our Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit. We must be intentional in serving one or the other. Our life breathes intimacy deep within our heart, our mind, our soul of what we willingly serve. Reflect on life my friend. The ways of this world teaches we can have it all. This is absolutely-impossible. We cannot live life representing both harshness of this society and anointed blessings within God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Anointed blessings surrounding our life continuously within every moment of life. Harshness of the ways of this world instilling blindness to these tremendous sustainable blessings. Our life cannot live both lives reaping both worlds. Our lifestyle is a commitment. Whose approval are we seeking? Do we spend our time, our energy, our resources trying to please everyone? Or spend our life praying, loving, serving, and breathing life within our living God, our Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit? What we willingly choose reflects our way of life. Just like our shadow never leaves our side. Everyone is a leader. Influencing someone, somewhere, somehow. Affects will linger for generations to come. It’s critical to be honest with oneself. It starts deep within our heart, our mind, our soul. Penetrating our inner-core of thriving life everywhere we go. The life we willingly choose to live, impacts real people living real life. When no one is watching, there is still a way of life. Within every moment, everyday life has breathing purpose, sustainable worth, thriving passion. What is our life representing to family, friends, all of life? Remember, moments will come and go quickly. We might never know that moment which impacted someone, somewhere, somehow. Are you trying to win approval of the ways of this world, or the way of our living God? Never forget, our everyday life is absolutely representing a way of life. Take some time. Reflect on where you go. What you do. How you live. Remember you are a leader impacting someone, somewhere, somehow. Reading, holding, embracing the living bible is a personal choice. Allowing God’s holiness to transform our heart, penetrate our mind, and breathe within our soul is a decision. Choosing this way of life renews, refreshes, redeems, restores damage of life’s brokenness. This lifestyle might never win approval of the ways of this world; but it will draw our life intimately closer within our living God, our Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit. Our life will be transformed in ways constantly conflicting with the ways of this world. Willingly engaging this life of God’s powerful undeserved grace will open our heart, our mind, our soul to live a life of living faith. Amazing gifts cleansing, redeeming, restoring moments of everyday life. Life-changing free-gifts our life can encounter, engage, and breathe with living faith believing, accepting, trusting, following our living God, our Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit. Precious anointed gifts with amazing hope, comforting unconditional love, releasing compassionate forgiveness, sustainable everlasting life in heaven. The ways of this world will attempt to entice our life back ever so gradually; don’t be fooled. All the glamour of instant gratifications, materialism, pornography, gambling, drugs, alcohol, technology will be lurking relentlessly. We must be ready, prepared, equipped at all times to resist satan’s deceitful delusional attacks of untruthfulness; ungodliness presented with so much appeal. Reading the bible, praying continuously, fellowshipping openly, attending church regularly will help our life be boldly ready, courageously prepared, fearlessly equipped. Opening our heart, our mind, our soul; our very inner-core of thriving life to breathe anointed comfort within hardships, struggles, trials, temptations, uncertainties of life. We have a choice, a decision, a way of life to choose. Pleasing the ways of this world will be temporary with feelings dissipating within moments. Living our life willingly within God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit; breathes everlasting life in heaven into our inner-core of thriving life. Engaging our sinful life with everlasting hope. No matter where our life is within this moment, lives everlasting hope. Not one moment will our life be pushed aside, forgotten, abandoned. God’s powerful undeserved grace is engaging all of life everywhere, within every moment. This is living life at its very best my friend.

Father – Thank you for loving, forgiving, and believing in me. Breathe anointed blessings into my inner-core of thriving life. Open my heart, my mind, my soul to be strong, bold, courageous, fearless. Living my life within anointed gifts of cleansing, redeeming, restorational undeserved grace renewing, refreshing, redeeming, restoring all my brokenness. A life I willingly choose to breathe. Father ~ Help me within every moment to live within the intimacy of living life at its very best within you Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit. 

Michael J Zenner

Jonetani Nasa

Plumber at Metro Plumbing and Maintenance

4 年


Neil Solomon

Entrepreneur at Self-Employed

4 年

Amen and amen. A servant is the highest calling in God's Kingdom.

somai group


4 年

Amen ooo


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