Wildlife Trafficking Confirmed
Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam Arya Chakravarti
Chief Executive Officer at Golden Ant Enterprises
The Environment Minister has confirmed the trafficking of native wildlife. For more than 10 years I have been trying to stop wildlife trafficking in Brisbane and other areas. When I was last locked up at the corrupt PA Hospital in January this year I was given a copy of the 'clinical report' that the psychiatrist Paul Northway intended to submit to the MHRT (Mental Health Review Tribunal) to keep me on a 'Treatment Authority' (previously called an Involuntary Treatment Order).
This report, prepared by his registrar Alannah Rowan, who had never even met me, claimed that I had a "persecutory belief" that birds and other native wildlife were being trapped and trafficked in Brisbane.
Last week, Channel 9 (TV) ran a story revealing that for the past 4 months the Federal Government has been clamping down on the trafficking of wildlife. The Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek said on TV that globally the illegal trafficking of wildlife is the fourth most lucrative trade for organized crime.
The environment minister said that most Australians were unaware of this cruel trade, where animals are packed into Australia Post boxes and posted overseas. She said two offenders had been jailed and others were before the courts.
As I said, I have been campaigning about this for more than 10 years. The police in Moorooka claimed it wasn't a 'police matter' and the Brisbane City Council (BCC) crooks said it wasn't a 'council matter' either. The 'enforcement team' that plundered and vandalized Dr Romesh's Bird Sanctuary and my organic farm, claimed that my 'overgrown vegetation' and irrigation system posed a 'public health risk'. Of course, it didn't.
The malicious and illegal 'Public Health Order' was served on me by a Vietnamese woman by the name of Nghia Tran who deliberately failed to acknowledge that I am a medical doctor, or the business I established 15 years ago, which includes Dr Romesh's Bird Sanctuary and the Golden Ant Nature Reserve. This arrogant and corrupt woman called herself 'Officer Tran' and me as 'Mr. Senewiratne'. She also solicited a bribe of $50,000 from my evil sister Shireen to destroy my luxuriant garden.
When I asked Tran what she was going to do about the trafficking of birds, she said she had "no comment'. She also falsely claimed that I have stagnant pools of water which could 'harbour' mosquitos. My irrigation system has running, not stagnant, water. Tran's boss Paul Moloney repeated that stopping the trafficking of wildlife is not a council responsibility either.
Tran also ordered that my external taps be removed 'to prevent a recurrence of the (non-existent) public health risk'. The plants I am growing, including gotukola, curry leaves and Temple Flowers (Frangipani) require a lot of water. It is also the case that if you water plants they grow faster and this cleans the air. It also makes it rain more.
This malicious and false accusation that my garden was overgrown and posed a 'public health risk' was used as an excuse for bulldozing my frog ponds and landscaping, cut down numerous trees, including more than 15 Royal Poinciana trees, beautiful native wattles, grevilleas, mango trees, Chinese Elm Trees, pine trees, a 14 year-old Quandong Tree, numerous Frangipani saplings as well as every single bamboo tree and 5 species of valuable Monstera plants that had been growing in my back garden for decades.
In addition, Tran ordered that 'miscellaneous items' on my front verandah needed to be removed. This was my collection of paperbark, eucalypt bark and 10 bags of Royal Poinciana (Flamboyant Tree) seed pods.
What's more, I read in the hospital report that in June 2022 the police asked the PA Hospital to keep me on what was an illegal treatment authority, when the psychiatrist Paul Northway intended taking me off the order (because he knew it was not legal). The police informed the hospital that they intended doing 'certain activities' on my property that I would be opposed to and could negatively affect my mental health. For this reason, the crooked cops 'anticipated police involvement' to enforce the (illegal) 'public health order'.
Needless to say, locking a person up to plunder and destroy their business is a serious crime.