Whether it starts with a hot engine contacting grass on the side of a road, a spark from a weed whacker, a poorly chosen campfire location, lightning, an auto accident, or a windstorm, the result is always the same; once it gets going, it keeps eating whatever is in the way until something stops it.

Decades of excellent fire suppression combined with drier climate, and exponential growth of homes in what used to be farm, ranch, and wild lands, has led us to some tragic lessons. People have lost it all, but most importantly, their lives.  News reports tell us that up to 40% of the fire victims are uninsured.  How could that be?  The answer reflects economic realities; of some elderly homeowners with no mortgage, and therefore no one forcing them to buy insurance they may think is too expensive, or they may just forget about, and renters who are living month to month barely getting by.  But that's not you, or probably anyone you know.  How about you?  Do you actually have a clue how much "stuff" you own?  And how much of it you'd actually want to spend you money to replace if it was lost?  Any idea how long it might take to clear your lot, and get a building permit? 

The bottom line is there is a BIG difference in coverage from one insurer to another, and all policies have limitations, conditions, and exclusions.  If you aren't familiar with yours, then you have no idea whether or not you have a good deal or not. 

The price you pay is no indicator of how good your coverage is.  And in addition to that, if you have a serious claim, will you be on your own with a company agent who just turns you over to your insurer's claims department, or will you know that you can count on your agent to help you through the process, no matter what it takes, and all at no additional charge?

Unfortunately, too many people don't know the answers to these questions, and worse, don't realize how important it is for them to learn. 

Insurers are reacting to years of growing losses predictably by raising their prices, restricting areas where they sell policies, and cancelling coverage for people in what they consider to be high risk areas (even when the policyholder has never had a claim, and even when the area has never had a fire.).  This disruption is real, and it is forcing property owners to make some very difficult choices.  While some are fortunate to find a well reputed insurer who still wants their business, others are not.  And when forced to go to the California Fair Plan Assn. or the Surplus Market, rates are usually a multiple of what the preferred insurer's where charging.

For more information:  call Mr.Insurance Broker: Tony Verreos at 800.464.1397  or email at [email protected].



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