Wild Wisdom: Unearthing Leadership Gems in the Playful Game of Cat-and-Vole
?Stephen C. Kincaid?
ProductOps at Walmart | Adjunct Professor & Founder of TheFullStackPM | Driving People Product & Design to Attract, Enable, & Grow associates through workforce intelligence, productivity tools, and career development.
"In the delicate dance of leadership, it's essential to strike a balance between providing direction and cultivating independence, for it's through this harmony that teams truly flourish and adapt to the ever-changing world around them."
The Game of Cat-and-Vole
Once upon a time on a bright spring weekend--last weekend, 1) I saw Blackie, a neighbor's black cat, prancing around the side of my house with what seemed to be a muddy sock in his mouth. 2) As Blackie left my garden and made his way back to his own home, he dropped the sock near the mailbox. That's when I realized it wasn't a sock at all, but a little vole or deer mouse! And it was still wriggling!
3. Blackie and the vole began a playful game of cat and mouse through the neighbor's yard. The neighbor was in her garage, completely unaware of the fun happening outside. I thought for sure the little vole would dash into the garage to find safety, but it didn't, and I didn't get to hear any surprised squeals from the neighbors.
4. Blackie chased the vole into another neighbor's yard, where they played a lively game of hide-and-seek among the front bushes. It was then that I noticed one of my garage doors was still open. Worried that the vole might try to make a run for it, I hurried to close the door.
5. As if the vole could read my mind, it hopped across the street towards me, with Blackie leisurely following behind. I grabbed my shovel, hoping to scoop up the vole and gently toss it into my neighbor's yard, but my aim was off.
6. The vole soared high into the air, only to make a soft thud as it landed on the sidewalk. I felt terrible, seeing the vole in shock. But did Blackie take this chance to end their game? No, he didn't. The vole bravely hopped towards me again, its eyes seeming to plead for help. I tried to scoop it up with my shovel once more, but I missed. Suddenly, the vole was on my shoe! I danced and twirled, trying to avoid the vole climbing up my legs or nibbling on me. I'm sure my neighbors got a good laugh from my performance.
7. The vole decided I wasn't the best hiding spot and scurried to the front door, starting another game of hide-and-seek in our bushes. I watched their game for a while until the vole found the edge of the house and dashed into the backyard.
8. Blackie slipped under the gate in hot pursuit. I waited patiently for my wife, who was planting flowers in the backyard, to let out a shriek, or for our dogs to start barking at the unexpected visitor.
9. After about 5 minutes, I saw Blackie sauntering back from the edge of the woods, heading towards his house. But this time, there was nothing in his mouth. The brave little vole had won the game of cat-and-vole, and we all lived happily ever after.
Leadership Reflections from the Story
Leadership Lesson 1: Recognize the situation and respond proactively
In the story, as the gardener (leader), you could have assessed the situation with Blackie and the vole earlier and taken action to prevent the chase from escalating. By stepping in and finding a solution, such as guiding the vole to a safer place or distracting Blackie, you would have demonstrated proactive leadership and prevented the chaos that ensued.
Leadership Lesson 2: Empower team members and delegate tasks
When Blackie, your direct report in this scenario, was engaged in the game with the vole, you could have stepped in to guide and support him. By providing clear instructions, offering tools, or suggesting alternative methods, you would have empowered Blackie to handle the situation more effectively. Delegating tasks and trusting team members to complete them is an essential leadership skill.
Leadership Lesson 3: Communicate effectively with your team
Throughout the story, there seemed to be a lack of communication between you, the gardener (leader), and Blackie. By establishing open communication channels and discussing the situation with Blackie, you could have better understood his intentions and worked together to find a resolution. Effective communication is key to successful leadership.
Leadership Conclusion 1: Embracing failure as a learning opportunity
Contrarian leadership theories suggest that sometimes it's valuable to let team members make mistakes, as it allows them to learn and grow. In this story, Blackie's unsuccessful pursuit of the vole could be seen as a learning experience. Although you, as the leader, could have stepped in and solved the situation, allowing Blackie to face challenges and develop new skills can be beneficial in the long run.
Leadership Conclusion 2: The importance of stepping back
Another contrarian leadership perspective is that leaders should not always intervene in every situation. By stepping back and observing the interactions between Blackie and the vole, you allowed both parties to demonstrate their resourcefulness and resilience. Allowing team members to navigate challenges independently can foster creativity, innovation, and personal growth.
And so, after the thrilling game of cat-and-vole had come to an end, the gardener realized the importance of being proactive, empowering others, and communicating effectively. They learned that sometimes, it's best to step in and provide guidance, while at other times, it's wise to let team members face challenges on their own. The gardener, Blackie, and the brave little vole had all grown from this experience and discovered the true value of teamwork and resilience.
From that day on, the gardener became a more mindful leader, always striving to strike a balance between guiding their team and letting them learn from their own experiences. And as for Blackie and the vole, they went on to have many more exciting adventures, always reminding the gardener that even the smallest creatures can teach us valuable life lessons.
The moral of the story is that great leaders know when to step in and when to step back, fostering growth, resilience, and teamwork in both themselves and those around them.
The End.
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