The Wild Way Farm

The Wild Way Farm

The Wild Way Farm in Leister, North Carolina is a rising quail farm. They manage other animals such as chickens, geese, goats and pigs, but their main aim is quail.

They breed their quail with a tri-purpose approach for eggs, meat and feathers. The meat is processed in an Food and Drug Administration approved airstream trailer on-site. The Wild Way Farm is the only place in the state accomplishing removing the ribcages, and feathers while leaving the skin on the bird. Boneless, skin-on quail is a luxury for chefs. Most North Carolina chefs obtain their quail in South Carolina The Wild Way Farm is opening the door for North Carolina chefs to get locally processed quail.

NCDA&CS staff members Jack Nales and Chad Blackwelder introduced Wild Way owner Clara to chef Saif Rahman- the North Carolina Restaurant and Lodging Association’s chef of the year and chef William Dissen. Saif is the executive chef at Vidrio in Raleigh and William is the chef and owner of The Market Place, Haymaker and Billy D’s Fried Chicken.

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The networking that happens between farmers and chefs/ restaurant owners is vital to both the agricultural and restaurant industry. NCDA&CS and Got to Be NC was ecstatic to be an aid in the relationship between The Wild Way Farm and chefs Saif Rahman and William Dissen. We will continue to foster relationships for the successes of our farmers and restaurants across the state.?

By, Caitlyn Randall        


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