Wieke arrived in Dominica!

Wieke arrived in Dominica!

Wieke finally made it to Dominica!

Having experienced a subtropical storm that added 7 days to her journey, she was happy to stand on dry land again! During her big ocean crossing Wieke saw whales, flying fish, dolphins and even rescued a turtle that was caught up in fishing lines.

She celebrated St. Nicolas/Sinterklaas while on the ocean and her classmates and her took over the running of the ship for a day where each student had to apply to the captain what job they wanted! Wieke didn't get her dream job, but still liked being the deck hand.

In Dominica she could swim in the tropical water and sleep outside on the deck in a hammock.

Christmas was a feast with packages from home and a free day to relax.

Wieke and her classmates made an expedition to the boiling lakes and swam in the Titou gorge where the Pirates of Caribbean was filmed! She spent 2 days with a local community and experienced how they live their lives.

The last day of 2022 was spent swimming in the beautiful jungle lined river and enjoying local snacks, dancing and wishing her classmates a happy new year!

1st day of 2023 she set sail to Curacao!

-Octoflor is proudly sponsoring Wieke



