??Widowhood, Wisdom and Wit?? — 14 Years of loving from both sides
Kathy Tarochione??
??Founder ??GOLDEN Connections??GOLDENSpaces Membership Housing Communities ??—Mental Strength ??Empowering Golden Minds— Women over 55??Widow ??Live Broadcaster ??Woman In AI Innovator??
??You know, today's a special day - it's been 14 years since my Tark decided to trade in his earthly shoes for some heavenly wings. July 29, 2010, at 11:45 pm Central Time - that moment is etched in my memory like a tattoo on my heart.
??I can still feel the weight of him in my arms as I sat there in that sterile hospital room. The beeping of machines fading into the background as I whispered to him, "It's okay, honey. You can go if you need to." Now, let me tell you, those words nearly choked me. A big part of me wanted to yell, "Don't you dare leave me, Tark Tarochione! (Tark-EE-Oh-Knee)" But love, real love, sometimes means letting go when you want to hold on the tightest.
??You know what's funny? In those moments, I thought I was going to be left with this Grand Canyon-sized hole in my heart. But that's not how it worked out at all. Instead, it's like Tark moved right in. He's still here, in every memory, every laugh we shared, every inside joke. I swear, sometimes I can almost hear him chuckling when I do something clumsy - which, let's face it, happens more often now that I'm lugging around this oxygen tank!
??At 78, I'm well aware that I've got more years behind me than ahead. But that doesn't scare me one bit. You want to know why? Because I know Tark's waiting for me on the other side. And knowing that man like I do - heck, I was married to him for 24 wonderful years - I bet he's been busy up there.
??I can just picture him now, sitting next to God, probably sharing one of his songs he used to sing to me. I'm sure it has to be our favorite song which is "I Finally Found Someone." And God, being the good sport He is, would probably smile and say, "Tark, my man, we've got a lot of time to get new material before Kathy gets here."
??And you know what? That thought just makes my heart melt. Just the thought of hearing him sing to me again. Tark always did know how to light up a room, and I bet he's doing the same thing up in heaven. He's probably got half the angels rolling their eyes and the other half in stitches. But one thing I know for sure, they all love him.
??I can almost see them now, him and God, poring over some celestial party-planning book. "Now, Tark," God would say, "don't you think fireworks are a bit much for Kathy's arrival?" And Tark, with that mischievous glint in his eye, would reply, "With all due respect, Sir, you don't know my Kathy. If we're not careful, she'll be the one bringing the fireworks!"
??It's thoughts like these that keep me going, you know? Sure, I miss him something fierce. There are days when the ache is so real I can almost touch it. But then I remember - he's not gone, not really. He's just waiting for me to catch up, probably tapping his foot impatiently like he used to do when I took too long getting ready for date night.
??So here I am, 14 years later, still celebrating the wonderful man my Tark was - and is. I'm not in a rush to join him, mind you. I've still got work to do here with my GOLDEN Friends. But when the time comes, oh boy, what a reunion it'll be! Until then, I'll keep him alive in my heart, in my memories, and in the lives of all the people I touch. Because that's what Tark would want - for his love to keep on giving, even from the great beyond.
??And let me tell you, if love could move mountains, the love I carry for that man would've shifted the whole darn Rockies by now!
Join me at The Golden Life Community where we unite with GOLDEN Women going down the same paths in life together holding each others hearts in our hands for continuous support throughout the rest of our lives. https://www.thegoldenlifecommunity.com?
#widowhood #widow #deathofaspouse #tildeathandbeyond #myguy #holeinmyheart #bittersweet #thegoldenlifecommunity #goldenconnections #kathytarochione?
Baby Boomer thought leader- Author of "In Search of the Baby Boomer Generation," - Part of the leadership team at Today's Senior Magazine-- Co Founder of BabyBoomer.org
5 个月Proud to support the work--of Kerri Lewis--who is helping so many people-- who have suffered loss--especially those-- who have lost a spouse-- Rick Bava -- Today's Senior Magazine - www.todayssr.com
Baby Boomer thought leader- Author of "In Search of the Baby Boomer Generation," - Part of the leadership team at Today's Senior Magazine-- Co Founder of BabyBoomer.org
5 个月We at Today's Senior Magazine are Proud to support the work of Kathy Tarochione??-- The Golden Life Community LLC-- and distinguished Grief Counciler - Kerri Lewis-- two experts in the field-- of helping Widows-- deal with the difficult time of losing a spouse -- Rick Bava - Today's Senior Magazine - www.todayssr.com
Baby Boomer thought leader- Author of "In Search of the Baby Boomer Generation," - Part of the leadership team at Today's Senior Magazine-- Co Founder of BabyBoomer.org
6 个月We at Today's Senior Magazine are Proud to support the work of the respected - Kerri Lewis - Rick Bava - Today's Senior Magazine - www.todayssr.com
Baby Boomer thought leader- Author of "In Search of the Baby Boomer Generation," - Part of the leadership team at Today's Senior Magazine-- Co Founder of BabyBoomer.org
6 个月Thank You to the distinguished Kerri Lewis-- for being a leading voice, and providing council-- to #individuals who have experienced loss -- we at Today's Senior Magazine are honored to be Associated with You - Rick Bava - Today's Senior Magazine - www.todayssr.com
Baby Boomer thought leader- Author of "In Search of the Baby Boomer Generation," - Part of the leadership team at Today's Senior Magazine-- Co Founder of BabyBoomer.org
7 个月We are Proud to support the work--of Kerri Lewis-- and we respect her Association with Kathy Tarochione??--of The Golden Life Community LLC -- Rick Bava - Today's Senior Magazine - www.todayssr.com