Widespread Confusion About Story Selling and Transformation
Loosing sight of what you should be focusing on?

Widespread Confusion About Story Selling and Transformation

There’s a huge wave rising within the coaching/consulting industry. A widespread misperception that many coaches are experiencing when it comes to discerning the difference between "story selling" and transformation.

Sometimes we confuse transformation with:

  • Storytelling or as I like to say, story selling.
  • Motivation.
  • Desire to do something.
  • Mental stimulation.
  • Excitement.
  • Incitement.
  • Determination.

...And for most marketers, this is as good as it gets because - what counts is the sale.

Well, once we put it that way, isn’t it pretty clear that our approach to transformation and storytelling must carry more depth than what most marketers teach?

Very few expert marketers teach this strategy with the intention of transformation. Yes we all know how important it is to make a sale. A business that makes no profit isn't going to be alive for very long. But does that mean we follow marketing gimmicks blindly? 

Marketers may be in business for the numbers and social fame but you and I are in the business of human well-being and serving others for mutual benefit. Our first priority therefore is ensuring that the end consumer is getting more than just information.

In fact if we are not doing our work well, we might easily create more frustration and despair for our clients with our storytelling and totally disconnect them from the thing that really matters.

There's a thing that really matters?!?


And the thing that really matters is the understanding that every story only serves as a clue, a testimony that one can use to strengthen their own faith and focus. Viewed under the true light that stories are meant to serve, it’s a powerful tool to use.

But throughout history we find humanity getting too consumed with story telling and all too quickly loosing sight of the hidden gems and the principles contained therein. In other words, we leave things at the level of information instead of helping our audience step into transformation.

Consider the Bible and other sacred texts… Problems far to great to mention arise simply because we stubbornly dwell on the story rather than the principles the great authors were attempting to relay.

As coaches, consultants and leaders of our modern society, we must make great use of the power of storytelling. But never loose sight of the fact that what’s generally needed transformation to occur is principle-based understanding and practical execution.

You might want to read that last part again... and again??.

Individuals, leaders and entrepreneurs all have a chance to experience and offer massive growth and transformation.

But they can just as easily get lost in that story selling strategy and leave your sessions with an ego-driven desire to simply copy paste your narrative rather than with the intent of connecting more deeply with success principles.

You hold the power to either make storytelling some superficial motivational tactic that psychologically manipulates your clients into buying your products for short-term gain or you can use it as a powerful transformational tool. The choice is yours. And it really is a choice you know?

There can be no transformation, no awakening without the here and now experience of life, which involves all of our being, not just the intellect.

Those powerfully spoken words by Robert White say it all don't you think?

I believe it’s up to us not to get swept away by the bewilderment and seductive viewpoints that online marketers like to use. We need to stay grounded and true to the purpose that called us into this industry in the first place.

It is up to us not to get confused or accidentally apply the wrong approach to the people we love serving. But that means you need to be good at discerning success and prosperity principles… Are you?

Here’s a powerful storytelling exercise that will prove that. It’s a downloadable story that was first taught to me by my mentor, which I’ve used to help myself and others transform some major issues.

Read it and tell me if you can grasp the core success principle demonstrated. Then, share the story with your friends and clients.

Story telling begins and ends with the desire to relay transformational principles not psychological manipulation. What’s your bold take on this?

May you prosper.

Janette "the storytelling junkie" Getui.


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