Wide Awake: As Truth Always Unfolds
In Your Wildest Imagination Still You Would Not Know

Wide Awake: As Truth Always Unfolds

Well now, finally those photographs are back, as do they indeed show the space used for a freak show act. Perhaps I should explain: even real U.S.D paid as to rented space, there are people who are let free to roam about, where they shouldn't ever be, like everyone's closet behind wall space. Roaming through drawers as well makeup as placing "dye" of surgeries conceal private places. Having sexual activity on blue foam that's been paid for. As the two hide under that "red cloth" as that inhouse working crowd looks instead. Keeping the renter busy always. Taking pictures of everything first, so things appear the same as wiping down after use with wipes as the orgies lose the smell they gave to birth. Then as getting yourself stuck as you placed a call for help as taking away that beautiful "construction paid for, how ungrateful. Lifting people up over a pole: you made "lots of holes" in the wall those people built, given to you as a gift. That a second device bought, was meant for an emergency for when that a person is gone not for all of your inhouse fun. "Window 'shades, made as a T.V to view, nobody gave any consent, "shame on all of you. This is why you "openly admit" to ridding this: world of counselors, oh heaven forbid. Invasion of their "privacy and tainting of the food in the space they ate. What now gives that pathway, for such enormous hate, or perhaps its call jealousy instead. What is so "sick" is you were given this: that permission to do so, as to everyone knew about the many days "that all the games played "were being viewed. One giant missed step wheelchair marks are quite different from a walker trail, so perhaps, next time leave it outside of space that you elude to. Then, as the real truth is told, as you don't need, that "old walker anyway, as most of us know. As to those of these greasy hands on the pearly whites, helped create fingerprints too. As to that, of the blue foam, you and the worker used while many others came to view. However, when you did ask what the favorite item in your palace was as being the "color red, thankfully you were decent as the washing of it instead. As to that of having "no shame as that road you chose doing that the chosen dance of rock and roll as you were told. Even "wearing pants stolen made by that of the 3D printer threads you have been known to wear. Just a thought perhaps to think about when you become homeless doesn't one go to a shelter as everybody else does or maybe if given permission you can stay inside your office cube without any USD paid. Yet, you can pay in another kind of way, like using your body's private tool. This is why the world is in the predicament it's in because of the way you handle "your business" letting sex workers freely come and go, even if their criminal acts are lethal. Then hang a sign and call it, the brothel. As said on the news by that of this a congressman, maybe these places should not exist, as so, they are doing many of the wrong things, "especially mixing in of the worker ants as well those the "guest inhabitants. Which shouldn't be the rule, oh but only the fool knows. As to truth told has always known they just awaited those a photo print. To that as the "flaws in that of your skin, as to shades and flaws indented, "everything shows" as no matter how much red, you thought covered it. It's much of this a darn shame, that you're all, so very sick within and don't even "know it. Yet, I'm so very sure you do everything, that he in her skin, tells of you to do. That howling found cat kept as you placed in that a wall, a bowl left to feed it as it cried out as to months later to be found dead. "The same always as you lying again, as trying to get over on each other again. So re-iteration: how does this as the bonding work again, as then to know, that you keep getting: so deeper as deeper in, as it makes no sense. "Why, really a shutdown? The getaway program in this of the making, an escape, as to "some are now "partaking" like that being moved from and to different places, as so too, as 'memories of identities can be forsaken. Whilst all to that of those teams: do reorganize as to that captivation of innocent victims to stage again. Why not just form your "own world" where you can use each other for all that of 'penny money. Of course, many of you are lazy as not wanting work, your motto: If already done then not any reason to worry. Can't you all simply 'foresee, the more you do wrong the greater your punishment yet, kids need to eat, house payment needed, all to that of this, that of "idiotic thought of belonging---as to what, you keep the stalking as to telling on each other. OMG, what is it that 'women obtain? Was your childhood that lame, wanting to throw your own: mothers, sisters, children, toddlers, under a train, for that a sense of belonging. That of the respect as given to you, by those who know as to all of you, is starting to require that of the ridiculous. Why now, really have we been invaded by this virus that with all the technology we can't erase it. Now, of a "plague returns"as to what and who is making this. Are we even close to under 500,000,000? "Oh, my darling "Taz, I must write, you a letter, as to how very grateful we are of your "impending faithfulness," yet, we need to act fast. I wonder if that a "magnet" has successfully been passed. That of this the greater problem is "your dimension is of no greater than the one you just passed. That very sad thought is, those who knew and you thought it was a burst of laughter. However, could now you, have totally forgotten, that a G-D's vengeance is the day after as to Lyra did say: 'that the 'King is coming and Satan is too, he's the father of the devil? However said, "protesting" gives not to any of you that the right to vandalize and/or to tear down any statues. I do know that all of those 3D man-made hybrid clone people as thought, you killed all the counselors in the world. It's not what they want you to think, it's all about this an insane rhetoric ensuing, as to bring order to that of a brink, as to, how do you know, "2021, will be the end of this "pandemic" unless already you have seen this, 'the map for it. Some of us were of a "gigantic legacy of AI, the truth told is in your mind. It's not about color, it's about "temperament there's too much color in this the world, so do stop standing behind it. "There are "creative chaotic groups" that mix in, as to make this 'world as to going back again, as we keep returning, to this same played out sort of scenario. To those men having problems with their "lower head" go dig burrow holes in trees, and stop "the charades, with all the children that are free. If I do, as encounter anyone as hurting these of all world babies, children, or anyone that is saying no I will pull it down your 'throat and out of your "derriere and tie it in a f------ knot as 'I have done. I do whisper these statements in the air, to which is a very good friend (air) of mind. I'm seeing that of a "look on "children's scared little faces, as they seek out my eyes. What is of that this of the problem that you have as to "keep bullying children, instead of them, go find a man friend, and try doing the same to him. Most things seen are to just that, of an open stage, as lots of man-made skin from 3D printers have been sent now to that of their graves. These women now are still awakening" and as to remembering" about that spray, that you thought, would forever keep, "all memories of the things done to them away. As to school reopening, make sure 'you know what's "happening there, as "sex" should not be that of the "golden rule. I'm not going to ever "hide, as to that of what I know as too, I know about truth, and what it can prevail. "These statements" are not meant, to fit all men, only if, you can 'spot you in them. To the "men who know how to walk alone, that's some great smelling, of your best cologne. All these shootings, then now to who's being paid as the keeping of their mouth's shut, I do now know somebody knows something? These "same old "year to year scenarios, play over and over and that, the main perpetrators are now staring at you in your face. Did you know, as they can now dress up with that "fake skin, to look of this, as to that being of "Black or White, or Asian, so you might never really as to know who is really in it? "Wake up world" we are all in this and I do know many are ready to "go to the future. You: "have lost that of your mind: if you think, the answer is to debunk: police officers, military, etc. so, what we have seen on T.V can be given that, of a new grip? "All leaders: stop with all blaming each other, there is no one answer, which is why we all must have a say. Why is this, that of our near"future" so so very much that of true blue, where you are still you? "Yet, everyone's so grateful! Thank You, Giles, thanks to all the very "Many Endorsements". I use to have that the world in of my shoe, now, I still watch of you, waiting and watching by that "the portal. "Why, do you keep a mandate by each state, make it "periodic time law, as to wear a mask? When this pandemic is over unlock the law to be free. If then, left 'by choice we all will go nowhere. A truth told article, trying to inform, as to educate, 'all dimensions must learn to respect each other allowing each to be free. It's like 1, 2, 3, Stay Strong! We All Belong!!! P.S, I have "worn a mask 24/7 for nine years, I have not had any colds in that time period. Even as when I return back to school in 2010 yes, I breathe well so let's stop and try to gel. I also took "hydroxychloroquine for a case of malaria when I was bitten by a mosquito, as to have been bitten right here in Chicago, outside of a "hospital entrance" on the northside. Let's move to the next level grow up and stop blame this bandwagon has room on the train. This world has hidden a lot of agenda, as yes, some are telling gigantic lies, these spirits of my world don't lie: The Fibonacci Sequence as many light-years and black holes I came by.


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