Wickedly Hashed-Over
As Fall continues to move forward, I'm enjoying each and every day to its fullest since those biting gnats are finally gone. I'd say this summer has been one my most unbearable, and only because I just couldn't keep them away from me whenever outdoors, and since I absolutely hate using those bugs sprays unless I have to, it seemed like a non-stop battle the entire season.
When seeing our temps are supposed to be dropping down into the mid-30's this coming Sunday night, I've definitely got some harvesting to do before that happens, and since I live in a low-lying area, it'll definitely be two or three degrees colder than they're predicting. I did deliver a handsome bag of those brandywine tomatoes over to a group of people who're always glad to get them. Little do most people know how finicky they can be to grow, but I honestly have no complaints about this year's crop other than an animal or two getting into my patch during the night and munching on them. This year has been the first time I've found where animals were munching on the beets, the buttercup squash, the carrots and even my tomatoes. There's no doubt in my mind the population of nighttime creatures are growing exponentially within our city limits. But we have to remember, there are few if any predators to keep their numbers down.
Before my office officially opened for the day, I went back and finished up on my bill-paying and accounting for the month of September, and quite happy the accounts balanced to the penny, which surprised me because I did a whole lot of check writing this past month.
The late morning appointment I had to show 2708 - 19th St. SW went relatively well, and before the buyer left, he said he'd do some deep thinking about it and let me know tomorrow, so hopefully I'll be getting some good new. Gosh, I still can't believe that acre of land with a paved street at opposite ends, hasn't sold. Unfortunately, I believe much of the buyer resistance has to do with that house which in my mind could be salvaged, but most who've looked at it, consider it a liability. Truth be told, I've taken on worst projects than that in the past, but as most have come to realize, our general population is methodically growing lazy.
While driving past that parking lot behind Brick Furniture in our downtown which our careless city officials sold to a developer out of Des Moines, I had a sudden jolt of empathy for those surrounding business owners whose clients and customers rely on that parking lot. My gosh! They've got it completely fenced off now, and it'll likely be that way until they get another ticky-tacky apartment house built on that site. Oh by the way, did you see how much that company is asking for rents on those apartments at the corner of 2nd NE and N. Federal? I was shocked this morning when seeing absolutely no window coverings on one of those main floor units, and there stood a auburn-haired woman at the counter. She must like having people watching her because you could see e-v-e-r-y-thing! I'd sleep in a tent before having to live in that fishbowl.
My afternoon went exceptionally well to where I managed to get a home sold, and even more excited to have both the buyers and sellers completely happy about it. I did have this 'feeling' it was gonna come together, and it did. Yeah!
Tomorrow will be another day where I'll hopefully be busy getting two homes listed, and one of them should sell right out of the gates, and only because it's got all the features the bulk of our buyers are looking for. I'll have to be sure and double-check the recent sales, just to make sure they both are priced to sell.
While in conversation with a long-time acquaintance of my today, I decided to tell her about my near two month experience with that person in need whom I'd spoken about these recent days, and one of the comments I got today, really hit home when she said, “People like that are always looking for someone to control/possess, and only because they've never been 'whole' people their entire lives.” She went on to define 'whole' as being someone who's totally at peace with themselves to where they really don't need the company of others to be happy, and I couldn't have agreed with her more.
When you stop to think about it, just think about how many people are always looking for a crowd to be in, and oft times it ends up being a bar, a restaurant, a golf course, an arena, a coffee house, and the list goes on. I always have to smile to myself whenever I happen to drive past Hardee's shortly after 6:00 a.m. where I'll see several booths filled with men who're seated there drinking coffee while they're gossiping away. If I should happen to be driving past before they open, there'll be cars and pickups parked with men in them who're waiting for the doors to be unlocked. Gee, I now wonder how many of us have been wickedly hashed-over in their circles. Yes, men can be just as big gossips, and sometimes even worse.
Oh, will I be so glad when the elections are over, because just today I received at least a half dozen text messages from likely alt-right radicals who were coming up with the most ignorant statements like, “The Democrats are going to take away our Social Security and use it to house those criminal migrants coming across the border from Mexico.” All I could do was block those phone numbers and move on. Let's hope people aren't that stupid to believe that tripe.
Tonight's One-liner is: The destruction of the past is perhaps the greatest of all crimes.
original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2024/10/08/wickedly-hashed-over/