Why You're Not Failing
Maybe your diet has been sh*t the last several months.
Maybe you haven’t sniffed the inside of a gym or touched a dumbbell in what feels like forever.
Maybe you feel like you're slipping and losing control of your health.
But the truth is…
You’re not failing.
You’re not screwing this up.
Your health and your life is not PASS or FAIL like we have been taught to believe in school.
Your life is made up of a series of choices and actions.
Those actions lead you down certain paths and take you to different places.
Once you’ve reached your destination…
You can set your sights on a new one.
You can pivot, change directions, and go somewhere else.
Gained weight?
Okay, now you can choose to lose it.
Stopped working out and feel weaker than ever?
You can start training and building that strength back.
Your health and your life is a spectrum.
You’re never 100% healthy the same way you’re never 100% unhealthy.
You are never at 0% and you’re never at 100%.
Stop beating yourself up for missing the gym, eating too much, or not finishing that self help book.
You cannot screw this up.
You can always get back on track.
Start working out again, remembering ten minutes is better than zero.
Clean out the cupboards and start actually eating the veggies you bring home instead of throwing them out every week ;)
Perfection doesn’t exist, but striving to do your best on any given day does.
It’s what we do consistently that matters the most.
Take it a day at time and never ever give up!
You got this!