Why Your Vision Is Really A Hallucination
Dr. Nicole Roberts Jones CCSP
??Certified Career Development Coach ??Business Growth Strategist ??Transformational Speaker ??Empowering Excellence through Meaningful Work
Over dinner a few weeks ago, my husband and I were chatting about our day at work and my husband shared something he said to his team that gave me pause. He told them;
“Vision Without Execution Is Hallucination”
Think about it, no matter what you do, in your career, in your family, in your life it all starts with a vision of what you really, really want. Hearing him share this with his team, made me also think of the bible verse that says;
Write The Vision And Make It Plain On Tablets, That He May Run Who Reads It. - Habakkuk 2:2
It sounds inspiring and motivating to hear someone say they have a vision but when it comes to writing it out and creating the strategy to make it happen, that is altogether different. The sad truth is many people just don’t stop long enough to write their vision let alone do the work it takes to run to it (meaning to make it happen). That is why what my husband shared with his team was so powerful to me. Because when you have a desire, a passion, a vision but you do nothing to make it real, then that dream becomes a hallucination.
The dictionary defines hallucination as an experience involving the apparent perception of something NOT present. So, if you keep dreaming and dreaming and dreaming and you never do anything with that great desire you have it, it is no longer a dream, it’s hallucination. And to be honest with you, the only reason I know I can say my vision and dreams have ever been able to be activated in my own life or in any of the women I have coached or worked with in the 20 plus years, is because of moving past just having a vision to doing the work to go after it. It is really in creating the strategy to get to the very thing that is burning in your soul. So how do you make sure your vison does not become a hallucination?
1.Write Your Vision. What do you see for your business in the next 5 years? What do you really, really want for your family? Write it out!
2.Create a Vision board. The reason these were so BIG a few years ago is that it allows you to see your vision on a daily basis and keeps you inspired to work toward it. For a more insight & a vision board exercise see my blog post from a few weeks ago by CLICKING HERE
3.Design the Strategy to Get There. Create specific goals that will bring you to your vision. What can you do in the next month that would move you toward your vision? Take tiny steps by just looking at the next 30 days first, you can even start by looking at the next week. After all, if you are eating pie, you don’t eat the whole thing at one time, you only eat a piece. And even with that piece, you eat it one bite at a time. So that once you have your goal, attach your action steps to it. Simply ask yourself;
- What do I need to do on a daily basis
- What do I need to do on a weekly basis will help me reach my goals?
By planning your goals, you can take small bites that will ultimately lead you toward getting to the whole pie of your dream. As you do this you also want to make sure you are SETTING BIG Goals. Yes, I am talking about even the ones that scare you. You may not see how you will make that multi million dollars a year NOW but if you create the strategy, take small steps each day all you need to do is stick with the next 2 steps and you will eventually get there.
4.Get in Action. You have to know that success only happens when you take action. That is why the bible verse says run to it. It does not say write the vision and look at it. So, you have to stay in the work to get to what you really really want
5.Stick with It. The hardest part of going after what you really really want is not writing the vision and even getting started once you set your goals, it really is sticking with it when you have hard days or you feel like you aren’t seeing the result. You have to know that there is seed time and harvest and if you keep on watering the seeds even through the days were you don’t see any activity at all, you will eventually move your vision well past just a hallucination!!!
These first 5 steps to activate your vision is why I am hosting a 2 Day Intensive in Dallas Texas on September 29 & 30 called Be The Answer
What I know for sure is that if you read this far down in this article, it’s because there is a call of exponential excellence and impact on your life, and it’s one you cannot continue to ignore. You may be dabbling in it right now, but we both know you’re not playing full out. So what’s REALLY going on?
Let me guess.
- You have achieved so much in your business or career, yet you still want MORE?
- You are an action taker and have this deep desire to obtain your next level of success. You want to move past where you are and increase your INCOME and your IMPACT
- You’re know it’s time to take your vision and create the strategy to not just make it real but to also learn how to make money while you sleep.
If this is YOU, it’s time to take the bold steps to make your vision a REALITY! You have a God-given gift that is meant to serve this world and a message that is meant to both make a difference and make you money. You are the answer someone is waiting for. And all you need is the proven success strategy to push you past inspiration and ideas and into ACTION.
This is an EXCLUSIVE opportunity for women passion-preneurs who are SERIOUS about making a difference and making money while you do it!
Learn more & register to join me at www.BeTheAnswerEvent.com
use the coupon code: BTA17 to get $50 OFF for general registration
Last year’s event sold out so act fast!!!!!