Why your UX guy belongs with the software devs...
Designer Developer could be the new way UX design functions inside of the software industry. As technology moves forward, companies are putting increasing emphasis on compelling software design for their front end applications.
UX is swiftly moving towards a convergence of visual-oriented thinkers with the technical know hows of developers. Visible design isn't just 'aesthetics' nor is the front-end typing a few lines of neat code. The emerging elegance of technically savvy designers working with UX-savvy developers is developing a new breed. Software that is built with both UX and design in mind will be the start of better front-end experiences not just in the marketing space, but across all digital touchpoints.
This convergence, is happening as more software companies see the need for UX and the evolving design is part of development attitude.
This is a clear move away from designing static visuals and entering into an era of architecting and designing (visible) components that function and work. Building pieces of the puzzles as you go instead of trying to imagine the details across a flat static file. Elements are always being reused, repurposed, and updated. Why does each iteration need a new static file of the end product? Build on what is done, evolve the code, and get to the proof of concept faster!
Design & Development Improvement Mindsets: UX designers are finding a niche inside of the software world by taking an active role alongside of developers -- this makes for quicker updates, fixes, and improvements as the team goes through implementation troubles -- there is no need to move the issues back to another team and stop production. Software teams that leverage a UX Developer are able to quickly fix and adjust issues on the spot.
As a result, there could be fewer rounds of iterations and feedback loops among design and engineering. Within the procedure, software engineers could have time daily to focus on remarkable code and much less on UI improvements. They can hand problems returned daily to the UX person while still moving forward with their own parts of the project.
With extraordinary thinking comes greater obligation.This new manner of design will require UX designers to learn more about development, be informed about back end system in greater detail, and understand how to work among a much more technical team. But fusing UX with the software development team will allow for the UX designers to take full ownership of the real interface and it’s behavior. No longer does dev and design function as two separate teams. Adding a UX designer on the developer side of the equation can work as a bridge to finally get these two teams flowing in perfect sync to build great products.