Why Your Small Business Should Take Advantage Of Under Used And Or Dead Assets!

Why Your Small Business Should Take Advantage Of Under Used And Or Dead Assets!

So whenever you hear and or see the term 'inventory' and or assets, especially (so called) 'dead assets',(of any kind.)

Your initial first gut knee jerk reaction, is to probably think of some?small business?owner and or furniture retailer.

With tons of so called excessive inventory of some kind, totally anxious to unload it, or them at super bargain basement prices and or terms, correct?

Sure, and it's most definitely, an extremely pleasant thought. However please let your creative marketing juices, go far beyond that semi limited definition of circumstances.

Because by doing so, you are about to -potentially- open the door to tons of previously unexplored trains of marketing possibilities and or opportunities.

In ways you currently can't even imagine. For just a moment set your skepticism's to the side and or on temporary hold. And take a stroll down creative marketing possibilities lane. It's definitely well worth the effort.

( Entrepreneur, imagine the following proven strategy. Being used by a local, non franchised retail furniture or retail jeweler.

Let's start with the non franchised furniture concern. They are about to send their opt in email list of 21,467 subscribers or X. An extremely time sensitive "broadcast" email alert message. (And possibly more than one within literally hours or days apart.)

(And BTW, the loose definition of a so called previously unscheduled "broadcast" email message is this.

You or your major competitors write an email message which is not part of any of your pre-written follow up drip campaigns. Then you decide when you want to send it. Either within the next few minutes. An hour from now. Or next week. And what time you want the message to be sent.)

Alerting their list of at least two potentially profitable, yet extremely time sensitive opportunities.

1.) First potentially profitable opportunity. Simply for dragging a friend, co-worker, sibling, neighbor, in- law or bestie with them to your showroom. Whose at least 18. Before your ten or X day or X number of hours expiration date window expires.

For an extremely limited time, they get to save up to a maximum of 40 or X% off their total purchases. Up to $2,000 or X amount of dollars.

Otherwise they come alone. And they only save 10% off up to $200 or X amount of dollars. (Rest assured, this type of extremely time sensitive ethical bribe. Will cause your most interested subscribers to find someone qualified to drag with them. To you or your major competitors showroom. But "it's" what comes next, which will definitely not their socks off.

2.) Second potentially profitable opportunity. You or your major competitors also announce to your opt in email subscribers.

You're having an extremely time sensitive raffle. Where one guaranteed first grand prize winner. Along with ten or X number of second grand prize winners.

The 1st grand prize winner automatically wins a state of the art "Deluxe Home Entertainment" center. With a suggested retail value of at least $10,000 dollars or X.

(Of course your actual hard cost are typically half or slightly less.)

Every opt in email subscriber who wishes to enter the raffle. Pays a one time raffle entry fee of just $750 dollars.

All non opt in email subscribers who wish to enter, pay a one time entry fee of just $4,000 dollars or X. (And remember entrepreneur. Even at $4,000 dollars for a one time entry fee.

These non opt in email subscribers who happen to win the first grand prize. They're still saving a whopping 60% off the current or typical retail price, are they not?)

So clearly you can see and hopefully appreciate "how" this incredibly simple price differential benefit.

Will ethically bribe those most interested to join your opt in email list, if they're not currently a subscriber. (You better believe it will.)

Plus, the ten or X number of runner-up's. For an extremely limited time. They get to purchase a state of the art 65 inch flat screen TV at your actual hard cost of X. (Say what?)

This way you know the vast majority of them will constantly be bragging like crazy. Both on and off of social media. To any and everybody who will listen. Don't you agree?

(Think of all the constant self videos or pictures they'll post showing off their new TV.)

So your viral, positive word of mouth and mouse buzz. Means you or your major competitors consistently save a ton of money. By not steadily wasting a fortune, on those outrageously expensive, dismally performing traditional ad campaigns on the front end of your sales funnel..

Simply because you're marketing savvy enough, to strategically utilize your dead or greatly underutilized assets and or resources in non traditional, creative ways.

For those of you who own, non franchised retail appliance, jewelry or furniture stores.

(Or you currently own non traditional moving van companies.)

And you want to "discover" how to start dominating your local market. For literally pennies on the dollar. I currently work off of a 25% performance basis compensation structure. Reach out to me at your earliest convenience. To see "how" this particular non traditional marketing/promotional strategy can start consistently filling your bank account.


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