Why Your Self Talk Will Affect Your Life
Have you ever wondered !!! How Your Thoughts Actually Affect Your Life ???
You all must have heard about people saying ” Words and thoughts have their own energy, including self talk”. Everything you think and say affects your personal vibration, and the way you feel.
I have personally experienced and implemented law of attraction which says that “what you think will happen to you” . This is one of the reasons I chose to write this article – there are so many assumptions out there that one can be confused by and makes us think that none of it makes sense.
It took me a long time to realize what the “thoughts impact your life” saying actually meant. What we think will not manifest in our lives exactly the same way we think. As I like to say, we cannot think life. But how we think does determine the world we see. Confusing, isn’t it?
I will elaborate with an example
Just say the below sentences in your mind
“I’m so useless and pathetic. I’m no good at anything, and everything goes wrong for me. Nobody loves me that much – why would they? And what if I end up with some horrible disease? The cancer rate these days is really high – it would be just my luck! And I’m always broke – I never have any money. It’s not fair! God, I hope the plane I’m going on next week doesn’t crash.”
Okay, so now how do you feel? You must have notice your body suddenly started feeling very heavy after saying this just once.
Now try saying the following sentence to yourself several times:
“I am so proud of myself. I put my best effort into that assignment, and I know I’ll do well. I’m so grateful for all the wonderful people around me, and I really appreciate all the little things in my life. And what a beautiful day it is outside today! I feel great! And I’m really excited about that plane trip next week.”
After saying this to yourself, You must be feeling wonderfully light!
That’s the whole point of positive thinking – it makes you feel good.
These sorts of conversations go on in our head, day in, day out, but it’s usually so automatic that we don’t even notice it. And we all just assume our thoughts are positive .And because we tend to accumulate many negative beliefs and fears during our lives, our subconscious mind is filled with lots of rubbish that does not serve us well.
Even though we may not be consciously focusing on our self talk, our subconscious mind is listening to everything we say to ourselves, including the constant mind chatter.We often don’t try to create this inner talk, it just happens on auto-pilot.
Our body reacts to this inner dialogue by producing feelings and emotions that we don’t even realise are being created by our mind chatter.
The majority of most people’s mind chatter is negative rather than positive.
It can happen so quick, that just one thought leads to an almost instantaneous stream of related thoughts.Self talk also includes thoughts in the form of pictures that flash through our mind, virtually unnoticed.The feelings and emotions produced by our inner talk then lead to bodily reactions, such as those associated with anxiety , when the talk is negative.The subconscious mind accepts all of our self talk as the truth, even if it is not, and then goes about creating the circumstances to match.
Positive thoughts attract other positive thoughts, and negative thoughts attract other negative thoughts.
Words and thoughts have an energetic vibration. Everything in the Universe is merely energy Positive, happy thoughts have a high vibrational frequency, while the energy of negative thoughts has a much lower vibration. We are also made up of different bodies of energy, all vibrating at different rates. So it is logical that the types of thoughts we have will affect the vibration of our whole being.And our vibration affects our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health. It also determines what we attract to ourselves.
An energy body with a negative or low vibration will attract things to it that also have a negative vibration. A positive or high frequency body will attract other positive things.
The self talk that goes through our head also creates emotions. It is always the thought that comes first, and then the feelings will follow. So the type of inner talk that you have going on will decide how you feel throughout the day.
The great news is you can learn to be aware of your thoughts and you can learn to replace your negative thoughts with positive ones until positive thoughts become normal for you.
“It’s only a thought, and a thought can be changed.”