Why is your Sales team Floundering
Gregg Weinstock
Business Development Expert / Regional Sales Manager / Account Management / Sales Presentations / Contract Negotiations / Business-to-Business / Sales Management / Trade Shows / Prospecting Skills / SaaS /
In the large world of business sales, the basic fact is that no one sets out to be ineffective in their role. ?Yet when the sales numbers get reported back, the flood gates of problems expand.?It’s often that ownership and sales directors start pointing fingers.?So it’s often salespeople are set up to fail.
In my opinion and experience substandard sales managers have become the largest cause and largest majority of the problems with below par results.
Therefore the ownership within the organization will make some hiring decisions based on the sales representative’s performance.?Often upper management might choose that sales rep with the highest sales numbers.?In retrospect when the sales numbers or lack of sales makes the sales teams numbers look emaciated.?Here are some points to consider when reviewing your sales program and what needs to be changed.
1.???Are we hiring the right sales person?
Does the individual have good communication skills??Do they have the drive??Are they passionate in their walk??Do they have the perseverance and patience??Many times the sales process becomes a marathon and not short sprint.?Does that individual have empathy?
Does the Sales Manager check past work references??Again, at times the hiring Sales Manager is just reading off a list of predetermined question. Are they following up with the references?
2.???How effective are the sales goals or quotes?
Who is setting the goals??Are they actually obtainable??Is it a one size fits all quota??Is it fair to compare different regions or markets within an organization??Can the markets be compared to the other regions as some might be mature and others new and flourishing??A good manager should know his market.?If they don’t, will they research and delve deep do their own research.
3.???How are their feedback skills?
When stepping into the shoes of Sales Manager, the numbers become yours. The teams selling skills and attitudes also become ownership of the Sales Manager.?It now becomes the team’s success and not the Sales manager as an individual. Remember there is no “I” in team.?Communication is always a two sided conversation.?Are they lying to ownership to hide the relativity??How long can they report back and say that everything is OK.?Have they settled into a comfort zone???
4.???Is the Sales manager resting behind the Desk?
When the sales manager is hiding behind the desk is that individual truly aware of sales person’s performance??Are they truly aware of the climate in that territory??Has that territory been oversold and that market is not looking for the 2.0 version of the original offering??When that manager is sitting complacent behind that desk, what do you think is happening on the streets??They often become bristling with self-importance.?How many times do they become comfortable on their own personal laurels and not working with the team??
5.???Have they actually done the correct training?
I have been through some employed in some business where they actually have done a great background of what the company actually does.?Sometimes they will get into what the company might think should be happening out in the field.?Again in retrospect, is the Sales Managers actually performing a brief follow up with the rep is out in the field??There should be time to reconnect in the information in training class to the reality of what is actually happening in the field.?To the sales rep it’s the perfect example of adding 2 + 2 and getting to 4.?They fog needs to be lifted.?Follow up training will help eliminate the sales break down.?Invest in your team and the team will pay back in huge dividends.
6.???Bad sales meetings and unwanted pressure on the team.
Why, why, why do these poor performing managers make it a back whipping every Monday morning??I never could understand they embed poor emotional and psychological warfare on the sales team.?The sales staff has the ability to read sales metrics and pipelines.?We all know that the forecast is missed.?The Sales manager should be helping the team to create qualified sales to grow those pipelines. How do we get to closed??The Sales Manager should be reviewing the reps pipeline and should be offering a territory visit.?Let’s close those leads!
When the sales target is not on projection, the CEO puts the heat to the Sales Manager.?Then the Sales Manager brings down the wrath on the sales team.?
I had a manager that his conversation was truly scripted. Have you closed that sale yet??Why not? Why didn’t you do this or that??If you does get sales in this month, do we need to be talking next month??Now there are 2 sides to this.?These are valid questions but there should have been some review of the reps performance before we got to that point.?Is the Sales Manager hiding behind that desk??Are they helping the team?
7.???They are Emotionally unstable or lacking Emotional intelligence.
A good Sales manager should possess the skill of self-awareness plus other awareness.?They need to be paying attention to the everyday chatter of the sales in the field.?We pretty much have the world at our desks keyboards.?Are they measuring the pulse in sales staff’s performance and industry’s actions???Because the Sales Manager is lacking awareness they actually miss the training opportunity at this juncture.?It’s the real challenge to help and support, not presenting additional challenges.
8.???They are holding the team back.
This is sometimes the rarest of them all.?You will see the Sales manager holding their team back.?When the sales reps numbers start surpassing the Sales Mangers numbers when they were in the field, they just look bad.?Then the support becomes next to nothing, and possibly they become abusive to belittle them.?Anything to hinder their teams performance.?
In review, if you want a good Sales manager, look for the opposite of these identifiers.
1.???Have a rigorous process. Hirer the appropriate people.
2.???Develop realistic sales quotes and goals.?Review the markets across the country and not just out your window.
3.???Make sure the can collaborate with their team and ownership.
4.???Find a Sales Manager that does not hide behind that desk.?Lead alongside their team.
5.???Train and retrain and then more follow up training.?Don’t let the reps fall through the cracks.?Be that coach!?Invest in training.
6.???Have upbeat sales meeting with a purpose and obtainable and relevant material. Don’t apply the pressure to the team, take it away.?Empower the team.
7.???Find a stable Sales Manager that can handle the heat in the kitchen.?Can they focus on the teams goals??Remember, we all are read the metrics and pipelines.?Be attentive to the industry.
8.???Find a Sales Manager that has the vision of the metrics. Be loyal to your team. Push people forward that is truly a blessing.?If they succeed, the house succeeds