Why Your Posts Are Getting Crickets!
Abbie Cornall
Once upon a time, a group of brilliant but overworked coaches had BIG ideas but no results. Enter your friendly book coach. I come with AI TRICKS up my sleeve to teach the lazy genius way to write, publish & sell books.
Hey! I have some really WICKED Marketing Advice to share with you about WHY NOBODY IS RESPONDING to your posts..... and it's based on Science too!
If you have ever written a post like this "Hey I'm running a free Masterclass on blah blah blah. Sign up here!" - and if you've then sat twiddling your thumbs and wondering why it didnt work for you then this is THE POST OF THE DAY that you are not gonna want to miss!
So you may not realise this, but your audience is actually hard wired to IGNORE YOU!
You may have been led to believe that it's because of the VOLUME of content out there - yours is just getting lost in all the "noise" right?
In order to understand why people are scrolling right past your piece of content is actually to do with which part of our brains are being "fired" when we scroll down our social media feeds! And I actually studied this when I did my business qualification by distance learning at Harvard Business School! So listen up!
Without blowing your mind too much and in simple terms, our brains have 3 distinct parts to it. This is known as the 'limbic system.'
THE PRE-REPTILIAN BRAIN - this is our primal brain and gives us our primal drives - the fight flight freeze response and it is designed to keep us safe.
THE PALEOMAMMALIAN BRAIN - this part of the brain is responsible for emotions and choices aswell as social interaction.
THE NEOCORTEX - this part sets us apart from other animals and gives us the ability to use language and reasoning capabilities.
Does that make sense?
So going back to the post I mentioned above......." "Hey I'm running a free Masterclass on blah blah blah.... Sign up here!" - this is actually CREATED using THE NEOCORTEX part of the brain! - the language and reasoning part!
As entrepreneurs, we sit down at our desks and then we think about what we want to write to our audience. We REASON and we think about HOW we want to say it and what language to use.
So we write the post and then we sort of "expect" it to have an impact and for all of the people to start signing up to our free masterclass! "It's FREE so why are people not signing up!?" "What is wrong with ME!?" Sound familiar?
So the problem here is NOT YOU - the problem is that we as entrepreneurs and creators are thinking with our advanced brains - the neocortex part, but OUR AUDIENCE ISN'T!
Science has proven that everything that we come across for the very first time, (including data and social media posts!) is ALWAYS initially assessed by our PRE-REPTILIAN BRAIN. Remember this is our fight, flight, freeze response and has no reasoning capabilities! It is designed to keep us safe!
So even though we don't know it, when we scroll on social media, our brains are thinking "can this kill me?"
and then.........."if it wont kill me, can I ignore it?"
Try scrolling your social media right now after you have read this post.....you will suddenly become aware of your brain quickly processing the data as you scroll.
It is only when you suddenly think "oooh what is this post all about?" - that's when it moves from the PRE-REPTILIAN BRAIN to the MID BRAIN which then decides whether the post is worthy of some further investigation. At this point, the NEO-CORTEX kicks in and decides whether you are going to read it or not!
All of this happens in a split-second as you scroll down and we normally are not even aware of it!
SO!!! OMG! Now you know that your posts are not even being seen or read by people in the way you expected...........now what can we do to ensure that the content that we write makes it through the PRE-REPTILIAN and the PALEOMAMMALIAN spam filters!?
Well the way to do this is to write the first sentence or two of your post in a way that appeals to the human being's basic SURVIVAL INSTINCT!
So how do you do this?
Well you need to really dig deep and appeal to the deep problems that your audience have - the ones that threaten their SURVIVAL! And I dont mean things that will kill them here......I mean things that tap into their deep-seated fears, hurts, worries, concerns, frustrations, desires, wants and needs!
And in order to do that you will need to have a very deep understanding of your ideal client's pain-points.
And THIS IS WHY I teach that assessing our Ideal Client is so so SO important. Some Coaches say it is not important at all! But if I was a health and fitness coach and I said my ideal clients are overweight women age 30-50 years old............well this just isn't enough! Its way too superficial!
You NEED to go DEEPER - right down deep into the place where she has the deepest and darkest suffering. Perhaps she will not take her young children swimming because she does not like how she feels and looks in a swimming costume but her children are missing out on swimming as a child with their mother and will grow up with no memories of swimming with mummy and no photos swimming with mummy.
If you construct your posts and you appeal to your audience's deepest pain points and if you can appeal to those basic PRIMAL SURVIVAL instincts then I GUARANTEE your audience will not simply scroll on past your posts. You will get more likes, more comments, you will have more conversations and ultimately you will book more clients.
And finally......just one more important thing to note here - I don't want anyone to confuse what I have said to you as being what I call "fear-based marketing tactics" This is very similar but also very different to what I am suggesting and let me explain why.
Fear-based marketing will say things like "well unless you do things my way then you are doomed and you will fail." - Fear-based marketing will tell an audience that they MUST follow a certain diet plan and if not then they open themselves up to cancer and diabetes and lifelong heart conditions.
NO! This is NOT GOOD at all!
What I am suggesting is talking to your audience's pain points in a VALUE-LED way.
Just like this post!
My opening sentence was all about people not reading or responding to your business posts = deep-seated concern! = pre-reptilian brain.
Next came the emotions - the Paleomammalian brain! - how we feel when nobody responds to our posts! We think there is something WRONG with us!
Next - VALUE - offering you the reasoning WHY and finally a SOLUTION - the neocortex!
Meta huh!
So I hope that clears that up; I dont want anyone to think I condone or encourage fear-driven marketing tactics. That is just DOUCHEY and leaves people feeling deflated and rubbish. We don't want that! We want our audience to feel LIT UP and motivated by our content. We want them to FEEL GOOD!
And if any of this I have said resonated with you and if you are READY to finally stop chasing your tail,
stop spinning plates,
stop being confused about what you are doing,
stop having confusing offers,
stop being confused about who your audience is and
stop being confused about how to get your audience to see your offers
......then you should know that I teach ALLLL of the above plus HOW to create content that really does convert your audience into buyers plus how to get great reach and engagement on your posts inside my new ACCELER8 Program where we accelerate you and your business up to $10k months in 90 days (yes it takes 90 days of consistent daily action of just 2-3 hours per day and 7 hours on one day) to get you to $10k months.
This is a Case Study Program and it is happening right now!
So if you are ready for this, ready to finally stop being so confused by it all simply send me a DM with the word "ACCELER8" and I will send you all of the info about the program. I am currently accepting students and I will be able to get you started on the program as quickly as today!
If you are determined, you have a fire in your belly, you are ethical and conscientious and you want to create a huge positive impact with your business and if you are not yet hitting 10k months then this is absolutely going to be for you! Lets accelerate you up to the top in just 90 days! Think where could you be by this summer!