Why your old PC might be about to retire.

Why your old PC might be about to retire.

You've got an older PC. Old faithful. You and your computer have been through thick and thin together. Hell, you might even have named it. But what's this on the horizon? Forced retirement?

AGE DISCRIMINATION we hear you scream! ??

If you're outside of the tech world, you'll be forgiven for not having noticed that October 2025 is the official end of life date for Windows 10.

This one's name was Maud.

Why is this important?

When software reaches it's end of life date, it no longer receives updates or security patches, meaning that from October 2025, Windows 10 is going to get less secure as time goes by.

Less software will be compatible with it and the system will really start to creak.

For home users, some might not feel this is a big worry, though we'd argue that if you're shopping online or banking online, then you really should be concerned.

If you're a business user, it's a much bigger problem.

For starters, you need those security updates. You need them badly. They should, realistically be installed within 14 days of release. Keeping your software updates flowing is a key part of maintaining GDPR compliance too, if you're not updating your systems and you suffer a breach, you'll have some serious explaining to do.

What can you do?

Well, for starters, it's probably time to start planning or a new PC. Which is why we are writing this now. Nobody needs to be budgeting for new equipment with a month to go.

Consider yourselves forewarned.

Some computers can be updated of course, so if you're not yet on Windows 11, now's the time to get into the Windows Updates section and see what it says.

This is the sort of thing we can help you with, so feel free to connect with us and we can go through some options.

Sadly though, many older computers simply can't meet the basic requirements for Windows 11 and so if you're a business owner, you really will need to stop using them, or accept the risks that go with staying put.

But my computer works fine! There's life in the old dog yet...

Sure, we get it, we've been there ourselves. We hate throwing out old but working tech. There is a solution that will help your old friend to solider on. It's called Linux.

You might not want to be using Linux for your daily work, but it can give your old computer a new lease of life. Replacing Windows with Linux isn't exactly difficult, but it's something that's more for the tech-minded.

Linux, the saviour of old computers. Fun fact, it's all around us but most of us never notice!

What this will give you is a free and fast system that will mean your computer can live on for personal use, whether it's for yourself, your kids or maybe your parents. It really can help stop another perfectly working computer from going to the recycling centre.

The best thing is, you can get all the main web browsers on Linux and all kinds of apps and games all of them completely free!

So, don't despair, you don't have to throw it away. And some people are quite happy to work on Linux, but it's certainly not for the mainstream business user.

Embracing the inevitable

Lets bring this to a close, there's no need to labour the point. Have a shop around, see what you like but keep a few things in mind to get the most out of your new computer.

  1. Look for computers with 16GB RAM or more
  2. 256 GB of storage is still OK for most typical business users
  3. An Intel i5 CPU is about right for most typical business users
  4. You NEED Windows 11 Pro - do not get a cheap laptop (or an expensive gaming one) that comes with Windows 11 Home
  5. Contact us if you want a chat or help with getting set up securely

Are you still using a Windows 10 computer? What plans do you have for upgrading?

Dai Evans

Think Digital - Website Design

1 个月

Windows doesnt have auto focus ? ??



