Coco Lee


Local anaesthetic analgesia is the most important thing a doctor can do for a patient during dental treatment. However, the process of administering local anaesthetic often causes extreme anxiety or pain during the injection. Patients often describe how they would do anything without injections or shots (the doctor's word for local anaesthetic injections). In a retrospective survey of medical emergencies in Japanese dental clinics, Matsuura found that 54.9% of medical emergencies occurred during or within 5 minutes immediately after the administration of local anaesthetic. The majority of these medical emergencies were directly related to the increasing mental stress of the patient accompanying the local anaesthetic (injection) and were not related to the medication applied. Furthermore, in a survey of medical emergencies during dental treatment in North America, 4309 dentists reported a total of 30,000 medical emergencies in their practices in the last 10 years. Ninety-five per cent of the doctors' practices had at least one such incident during this period. Of these emergencies, 15,407 were vasodepressive syncope (common fainting), the majority of which occurred during or just after the local anaesthetic injection.

Local anaesthesia should and can be administered in a painless, non-invasive and discreet manner. The majority of dental students performed their initial injections on a 'patient' played by their own classmates and then in turn played the role of 'patient' themselves. Most students perform the injections as painlessly as possible. At the University of Southern California (USA) School of Dentistry, research has shown that these first injections are usually completely harmless. Students often feel differently, as some have experienced more conventional injections as "real" dental patients, i.e. painful injections.

Why are we promoting pain-free injections?

The simplest answer is that the market demands .

The creation of a product is inevitably caused by a market need, so what is it that the market needs for practitioners in the dental market? What do dental owners need, what do dentists need and what do patients need?

What is your biggest struggle as an outpatient clinic owner? What is it that you want?

M-O-N-E-Y !

But we have to face the fact that there are more outpatient clinics than toilets, both in the Chinese market and in the global market, and it becomes a headache for the owners if they improve the competitiveness of their clinics, which is the key that mainly affects their revenue.

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So the bosses came up with all sorts of ways, we are more than technical, but there are too few experts, there are only a few well-known local doctors, you can't hire them, and their own training and learning is too slow to improve. Then we compare hardware, we buy laser equipment, CBCT equipment, 3D printing equipment, you see, we have advanced equipment, which can improve our competitiveness, but how much does this equipment cost? Every clinic can afford to buy a dental chair, but not every clinic can afford to buy CBCT and 3D printer, the investment is too big, it is difficult to highlight the characteristics. Then let's compare it to service, but service needs to be a trigger and a talking point, without professional operation this is also a difficult thing to accomplish. So every day dental owners are wondering how they can be the first choice from the clinics within a 3km radius.

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Let's take a closer look at how a dental clinic can make money.?

1. We need to increase the initial and repeat consultation rates - advertising and patient word-of-mouth publicity?

2. We need to raise our fees - improve technology, equipment and services?

3. Attract and retain high-end patients - improve technology, services and fees.

Which of these is the one that offers the greatest return for the least investment??

Word of mouth. Everyone knows that word of mouth marketing is free advertising, the least investment but the most rewarding.

Which of these is the one that offers the greatest return for the least investment??

Word of mouth. Everyone knows that word of mouth marketing is free advertising, with the least investment but the greatest return.

And what is word of mouth in a dental clinic??

The best word of mouth is which clinic has good service and which clinic's doctors treat teeth without pain. (I haven't seen anyone recommending a doctor who says how advanced the equipment is or how good the location is, most of them are about which doctor at which clinic treated my teeth without any pain).

So for dental owners, if you want to improve the competitiveness of your clinic, you need to think about painless anaesthesia device.

So for dentists, why do we need pain-free anaesthesia?

Safety first, money second.

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Doctors are supposed to be the hardest profession, other people go to university for 4 years, doctors have to go to university for at least 7 years, and they need to study with experienced teachers and attend many clinical procedures, but for big projects like implants and orthodontics, patients look at you and see that you are not even 40 years old and immediately turn their heads towards the doctor next door who looks very experienced with his glasses.?

Many inexperienced doctors will handle simple surgical procedures such as extractions and second stage restorations of implants, but if you serve these clients well, you will be able to get access to big projects because the patients trust you.?

But if you pull a patient's tooth and it hurts, the next time he doesn't feel like coming to you, even if it hurts he will go to the director for treatment, even though it costs a bit more, but inside he feels that the director is more skilled than you (this is my personal experience).

As a dentist, we are very aware that if we have a medical error, then basically you can say goodbye to the mouth mirror. So many times we take the biggest risks but earn very little.?

So on top of protecting our careers, we want to make more money and at least afford our spines.

So how do patients choose their doctors??

Choose one that is 180 in height? Choose the one who looks better? Or do they choose a female doctor or a male doctor? None of these, they choose the one who treats their teeth without pain!?

If you give him a comfortable treatment, luckily, his aunts, uncles, mum and dad will come to see you, but if he is in pain during the procedure, rest assured, your neighbour's dog will go around you in the future.

That's why doctors need pain-free anaesthesia.

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So why do patients need to be pain-free??

If a patient comes in for a cleaning today and you find out that his tooth is a little decayed and you advise him to treat it, he will refuse your treatment if it is not painful and ask about the cost of the treatment and then go and compare which clinic is better value for money, but if he has a sudden pain in his tooth in the middle of the night today, then rest assured that in the middle of the night he will send you an appointment text because he is already in pain and hates it He wants to be treated right away.?

There is a saying in China that a toothache is not a disease, but a pain that really kills you. So when it's killing me, it's worth whatever it costs, and I'm willing to pay as long as it keeps the pain at bay.

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There is a special segment of the patient population, the dental anxious, who are so afraid of dental visits that they start to get weak in the knees the moment they step into the dental clinic with their left foot and start running away as fast as Bolt at the thought of the dentist drilling his teeth. Many people will give up treatment for fear of pain, leading to worsening of the condition.This is why pain-free treatment is so important to patients.

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This is the market demand, we all need pain-free treatments and we all need more comfortable and safer pain-free injections.



