Why your hormones run the show and how to balance them naturally.
Natalie Fink
Helping Women Overcome Chronic Inflammatory Health Symptoms and Autoimmune Disease and Start To Feel Strong, Healthy and Full of Energy
Tell me if this is you: you have irregular or painful periods, brain fog or migraines, PMS, you are losing hair, have crazy mood swings, cravings for sweets and carbs, and some days you feel like an alien took over your body. These are all signs of hormonal imbalance, and no, it’s not just a normal part of being a woman, or a woman of a “certain age”.
Your hormones are incredibly powerful and do so much more than orchestrate your cycle - once a hormone is released, it does what it’s supposed to do with the reproductive system, and then moves on to its “other” jobs, controlling your metabolism, cardiovascular health, brain function and regulating your immune system. Your hormones have a hand in every bodily process and affect every organ, so neglecting your hormonal health and allowing it to become unbalanced will inevitably take a toll on your energy, mood, and overall well-being.
So how do these hormones get so unbalanced in the first place? Well, they can be very sensitive to our ever increasing stress level, our toxic environment, nutritionally empty inflammatory foods, and constant blood sugar roller coasters. One processed meal, a missed workout, or a stressful week won’t throw your hormones off balance—but when these patterns become your norm, they build up over time, creating a ripple effect that can lead to serious hormonal imbalances and long-term health issues.
So how do we fix this?
The truth is that is that you can’t take a magical supplement, do a crazy detox, or just push through your hormonal imbalance with sheer willpower - your hormones are delicate and work best when your body is in a state of balance and security, which requires that you pay attention to several “core” behaviors:
Nervous system regulation
Learning to shift your nervous system from the state of “fight or flight” to “rest and digest” is the most important thing you can do for your hormones, which are extremely sensitive to stress and go completely haywire when the body is pumping out huge amounts of stress hormone cortisol. A few practical strategies for doing this - check in with yourself several times throughout the day to notice how you are feeling and what you need - if stress is high or you are feeling overwhelmed - do a few minutes of deep breathing, listen to calming music, shake out your body, or go for a walk outside until you are feeling more calm and grounded.
Blood sugar balance
Your sex hormones are very closely connected to insulin, another important hormone which controls how we break down our food and convert it into energy. When your blood sugar swings up and down all the time and your insulin metabolism is not working as it should, your hormonal balance is also affected. This is why it is so important to focus on balanced meals and snacks, with plenty of protein and healthy fats in every meal.
Not only does regular movement reduce stress and improve insulin sensitivity, movement promotes better circulation, helping to transport hormones efficiently throughout the body. Whether it’s walking, strength training, yoga, or dancing, incorporating consistent movement into your routine helps create a stable, balanced environment for your hormones to function optimally. Just don’t overdo it with long, intense workouts, which can actually increase cortisol and negatively affect your hormones.
Every woman deserves to understand exactly how her hormones are interconnected, what helps them function the way they were designed, and how to build a lifestyle that honors the natural rhythms of her body. Too many of us are accepting the “there is nothing you can do” answers from our medical providers and it just doesn’t have to be this way! I hope the 3 powerful shifts I described will be a starting point for you on your journey towards nurturing your miraculous body and giving it exactly what it needs to thrive.
Have a great week!
P.S. If you are interested in working 1:1 with me, you can get started by clicking the link below: