Why Your Finances Make You Anxious...

Why Your Finances Make You Anxious...

Whilst the heading of this article is pretty self-explanatory, I really wanted to create an open dialogue through honest opinion and experience on why your finances make you anxious.

We're all humans with our own stressors and worries, and more often than not, we are pre-empting something in the future that will likely revolve around our finances and the control we do or do not have on them.

Recently, I sat down to do a huge strategy session based on the content I wanted to put out relating to my businesses, both Nephos & Myna, and we had to dive into the ideal customer I want to be serving within the business.

Whilst doing it, we discussed what keeps them awake at night, what are they thinking, what their major pains are - and the main pain I kept finding was that around anxiety and worries around their own finances.

I can so often hear people state;

I'm overwhelmed when it comes to finances.

I'm anxious about getting my finances wrong.

I don't understand how to do my finances.

I'm worried I won't be able to achieve my dream because of my finances.

So where does it stem from?

Where Financial Anxiety Comes From

Now, whilst I'm not a psychologist or a specialist in anxiety in any way, I am incredibly aware of the emotions many individuals can feel when it comes to their finances, especially when the word 'anxiety' arises during numerous meetings.

According to my online research, anxiety is there as means of survival, but anxiety can actually attach itself to anything, including money and finances.

Now, it's not often that it comes down to just one thing such as the money that currently sits in your bank account, but it comes down to future commitments, societal pressures, wanting to invest but unsure on how or where and more so recently, the loss of jobs due to the pandemic.

Have you ever:

  • Avoided checking your finances?
  • Dreaded financial meetings?
  • Been too hyper-vigilant on tracking your money?
  • Obsess over saving your money?

Then you have more than likely worried or become anxious around your finances.

Understanding Your Finances And Financial Goals

One of the first things I always want to know about my clients is understanding what their goals are when it comes to the money they are bringing in.

  • Are they looking to create a savings scheme?
  • Pay off debts?
  • Invest?
  • Buy property?
  • Sink their teeth into crypto?

The list here is endless, but the overarching goal here is to get a good understanding as to what it is that my clients want to achieve, and the beauty of working with them on a one to one level is to allow them to safely and confidently share what is on their mind when it comes to their financial standing.

As adults, we have grown up within a society that places a lot of pressure on us to get money right the first time. Whether that be because our parents were great with money or the complete opposite, it could be due to comparing our own financial journey with another or maybe even exceeding our own beliefs.

Either way, we need to have a foundational understanding of what we would like to achieve with our finances and begin to set aside time and practice to look at what is both incoming and outgoing.

Seeking Financial Advice

So, as stated at the start of this article, I wanted to cover why you might feel anxious when it comes to your finances - and I've narrowed it down to control factors and society, and whilst that is all well and good - in actual fact, it's not really overly helpful.

I may have possibly supported you in finding out why your finances make you feel a little weary, so how can I further support you in ensuring to take the financial angst away?

Well, I want to tap into some of the biggest desires many of my clients have, things such as;

  • Having a lifestyle they want where they don't worry about money.
  • Increasing their sales.
  • Knowing how to pitch themselves.
  • Confidence in deliverables.
  • Knowing the right tools to increase productivity.
  • Financial success.
  • Want to make a difference.

These are all things I also desire and crave to do myself, especially through the utilisation of Nephos and Myna, which is why I truly believe that to do the above, you need to have the right support system in place to create the change you want to see.

This means, hiring someone who can support you in taking away the anxiety you have around your finances.

So many individuals roll their eyes when it comes to an accountant.

"Oh, I know plenty of accountants..."

"They won't understand me."

"They're too old school..."

Well, what if there was a company that actually wanted to support you at whatever stage you are at on your entrepreneurial and financial journey? What if hiring an accountant isn't actually as expensive as you thought and actually ensures you bring in the money you are investing out?

By bringing supporting pillars into your business, such as mentors, employees or accountants, you're allowing yourself not only freedom to focus on what you truly love, but a second brain to take away your anxiety as a whole.

So, the meaning of this article is:

If you are feeling in an insecure or anxious place around your finances, reach out to someone who can help - don't try and do it alone.


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