Why your emails are bouncing? How to avoid it?

Why your emails are bouncing? How to avoid it?

If you have done an Email marketing campaign before you would have came through a popular term called bounce rate. Bounce of Email is nothing but your Email getting blocked at the gateway without reaching the inbox.

There are two types of bounces that will prevent your Emails from passing the gateway.

Soft bounce Hard bounce

 Soft bounce

Email are tagged as soft bounce, when Emails are blocked due to temporally problem like Inboxes are full due to lack of space, or sudden peak in Email sending rate while an Email campaign. As these are temporally problems they will solve itselfin few hours later. According to mail chimp your soft bounced mails willcontinually attempted to send for three straight days. After 15 soft bounces report from a single Email id it will be converted as hard bounce.

 Hard bounce

Emails are tagged as hard bounce, when your Email is permanently blocked by gateway. Hard bounces are mostly occurs due to following reasons.


  • (i)When the recipients Email id does not exist
  • (ii)When the recipients domain name does not exist
  • (iii)When the recipients completely blocks your Emails from delivery



It’s highly recommended to remove these hard bounced emails from your list to save your reputation from being spoiled.

Above we have seen that what are the types of bounces that can occur to your business Emails. Now let we see how we can simply avoid it.

Infrastructure and authentication

It’s recommended to build your Emails that compile the basic infrastructure, Email authentication and required communication settings like SPF, DKIM, DMARC, Feedback Loop and connection/throughput settings.

List acquisition

If you planned to start an Email campaign it’s recommended to check your list completely. Emails id becomes invalid mostly due to typo errors. Hence its better asking your customer to enter their Email IDs twice to ensure given ID is correct.

Welcome/conformations of Emails

When a new user opt-in for your Email newsletter you should immediately send a welcome or conformation emails. This reduced the hard bounce rate and you can easily calculate how much your subscriber is interested in getting your future newsletter.

Sending strategy

Once your subscriber is opt-in for your Email newsletter. You must at-least send an Email once in 3 month to know whether your subscriber is active or not. This method will save you from falling in spam trap or honey pot.

Bouncing process.

You must learn how your Email sending software handles the hard bounces and soft bounces. As seen above hard bounces will reduce your reputation hence its recommended to remove it from the list quickly and set polices for soft bounce emails that number of bounces it takes before it reached the hard bounce stage.

It’s recommended to have an Email list that you regularly updates based on your previous analytical report. And also recommended to maintain your bounce rate below 2% and anything above that you should filter or consider changing the subscribers list. If your business faces a bounce rate of above 2% you should consider having a talk with professional before it spoil the reputation of your business.


