Why your destiny is the result of your own choices

Why your destiny is the result of your own choices

We make so many choices in our lives, from the mundane to the monumental. What do we eat for dinner? What show should we watch on Netflix? Will we get a new car? Bigger house? Do we settle down and have kids? Do we accept that promotion at work? Do we switch jobs altogether? The list of what-ifs can be endless. I've learned a lot about making choices in my life — some good, some bad. There are times I've been forced to make major decisions in my life that had serious implications; sometimes you can think you're doing everything right, and then one choice leads to another and you end up in a place you didn't anticipate. Like dominoes, there can be a lot of things that topple into each other to lead to a point in life where you reflect and wonder how you got there. The good news is that it's never too late to make better choices, or change your destiny.

You are where you are because of your own decisions

If I told you that you're the only one who's responsible for determining your own fate, you might look at me and think I'm crazy. But honestly, that isn't far from the truth; Why? Because the choices you make, the decisions you make, will dictate where your future takes you - just as they determined where you are in your life now. It may seem like difficult or impossible situations were the cause of your shortcomings, or that life just threw everything at you and the obstacles you faced were unavoidable; and while this is true in some ways, these things happened mainly because of the choices you made. If you want to live the good and meaningful life you dream of, you are the only one who can make the choices that bring these positive outcomes. If you want to be successful, you have to make your own decisions and take responsibility for them.

The purpose of this newsletter is to encourage you to make choices in life that allow you to be successful, and show you why it's not beneficial to play the victim. You are the arbiter of your own fate and you should take responsibility for making the important decisions about your life.

Your destiny is created when you make and act on your choices every day

We all have the ability to create our own destiny. The problem is that we don't always realise it so we don't always put in the effort to make it happen. I'm not talking about some kind of magic or luck, but rather a series of conscious choices that you make every day. For example, if you're not happy with your job, you can choose to find another one; if you want more money, you can change careers or take on more responsibilities at work etc. As you can see, life is really about making choices — many small ones every day — but also some big ones along the way as well. And these choices determine our future path in life and how successful we become.

It's important to remember though that each choice has an impact on both ourselves and others around us — whether they know it or not. So when making decisions about what direction to go in life or how we want things to turn out, we should keep this in mind so we make decisions that are well considered.

Taking responsibility for your choices sometimes means taking away blame from others

The path to success is not always easy, and it is not always straight. But it is your responsibility to make the best of your situation, no matter what that may be. You have to accept the fact that sometimes life will throw you curve balls and you won't always be able to control what happens. You can't control who is going to walk into your life or how they will affect you, and you can't control whether or not they will stay in your life. However, there are things that you can control. You can control your thoughts and emotions; you can control the actions that you take; and most importantly you have the power to choose which paths in life are worth pursuing.

The truth is that we all play victim at some point in our lives because it's easier than facing reality head on. We want someone else to blame for our problems so we don't have to take responsibility for them. We want someone else to take care of us so we don't have be strong enough to take care of ourselves.We want someone else to make us happy so we don't have to work hard enough to find the things that will bring us joy. The problem with this is that it doesn't work. No matter how hard you try and no matter what excuses you make, at the end of the day you are responsible for your own actions and their consequences. I'm not saying that you should go through life without help or support. What I am saying is that relying on someone else for your happiness, instead of finding it within yourself, is a waste of time and energy. You can't expect other people to give you something that only you can provide for yourself, if you want to be happy, then you need to take responsibility for your life and make the changes that will bring you joy.

If you want to change your life and your destiny, start making different choices

There's a famous quote that says, "Success is the result of taking massive, consistent actions." This statement is true because it takes effort to reach any goal. If you want to become successful at something, or if you want to make a positive change in your life, then you need to put in the work. However, there's a catch: You can't expect success without making the right choices first.

In order to make the right choices, you need to ask yourself some questions: What do I want? What is important for me? What are my values? What do I value most? What do I want my life to look like? How can I create that vision? How can I create my own destiny?

The more clearly defined these questions are in your mind, the easier it will be for you to make better decisions that lead toward your goals and allow you to realise the destiny you've determined for yourself.


