Why Your Coaching Program is NOT Worth $3000+
Here are three simple things that fitness coaches Selling $3000+ online programs do that you can replicate and make more money.
Firstly, I'm not actually advocating for you to sell your coaching specifically at a high-ticket price.
These are just the strategies used to persuade and make it easy for someone to their buy high-ticket coaching, along with the underlying principles.
You can apply them regardless of whether you're selling high-ticket coaching or not.
Do I recommend selling high-ticket coaching?
Ofcourse, how else am I going to help my coaching partners in our program get to 6+ figures a year...
So ofcourse I recommend it, since it's what we are good at, nonetheless, it isn't for everyone.
So here's the tips:
1. Positioning yourself beyond weight loss.
The price is driven higher not by the actual deliverables, such as a more personalized coaching plan or additional one-on-one time with clients, but by the way you position yourself through effective marketing.
Take, for example, a gold Rolex versus a G-Shock.
Despite being less functional, the gold Rolex commands a significantly higher price due to its status symbol.
Similarly, your training goes beyond weight loss or muscle building.
It encompasses elements like increased confidence, improved work performance leading to more income, and the ability to keep up with your children—depending on the specific niche you're in.
By highlighting these deeper desires, such as status, fulfillment, and wealth, you can significantly enhance the perceived value of your coaching services.
2. Disqualifying those who don't fit the program.
This goes beyond simple niching.
It involves selecting the right individuals for whom you can provide the best possible experience and consciously disqualifying others.
This approach fosters objectivity and leads to a more enjoyable experience for both parties.
Additionally, there is value in exclusivity.
Shifting your mindset from "Anyone can join my coaching as long as they pay" to "This coaching is exclusively for people like you, tailored to your unique needs and desires" enhances understanding between you and your clients.
Additionally, it helps you feel like your program is really doing something rather than just a minor tool for you to make some money with from anyone who is willing to scrap together their last dollars and pay you for mediocre un-niched services.
3. This might seem obvious, but it's selling an upfront program instead of a monthly subscription.
And there is a good reason behind it.
It's not just to collect more money per sale.
People don't buy coaches; they buy the transformation.
This is evident in the strategy of selling programs upfront instead of offering a monthly subscription.
There's a psychological reason behind this approach.
It's the way you position yourself that holds power, as mentioned earlier.
By emphasizing the ultimate result, you shift the narrative from buying coaching for a few months to purchasing a transformation.
You're no longer selling coaching; you're selling a tangible outcome.
As Alex Hormozi aptly put it, "Sell the vacation, not the plane ticket."
This approach highlights the end result and further enhances the perceived value of?your?coaching.
Hope this illuminated some strategies for you to work on in your coaching business.
If you think you're ready to scale your coaching business, MESSAGE ME and we can get started.
Note, I don't want to waste time with tire kickers that hop on a call and not join the program, just be ready to join the partnership program and start scaling your coaching business.
See you soon coaches! :)