Why are you working so hard?
Fabio Bonanno
Helping busy Investors, CEO'S & Fund Managers gain up to 5-10 lbs muscle and lose 10-40 lbs fat in the next 180 days, guaranteed with the Peak Performance Protocol. DM me "Alpha" to learn how
We have people on this planet spinning their wheels.
Working hard and pushing as much as possible,
Only to go nowhere.
Why do we do it?
Well, when you're looking to go towards a specific goal (better health, more money), or away from something you don't want (being obese, in debt)
You can work so hard that you forget why you're doing it.
Often people start on challenges
New jobs
New goals
New towns or cities
They start with motivation levels high
Then burnout happens,
Their health and wellbeing is all of a sudden at stake, yet the work still has to happen.
Hard work is great
Having that grit is a VERY admirable quality.
However, without an enplane in sight, you can feel helpless.
Keep working hard, keep challenging yourself.
Just make sure you have a plan in place so you have method in your madness.
When I work with clients there's always progression.
Progress to be better than you were and to achieve what you haven't before.
A plan and structure to get better inside and outside the gym
Better habits
Better movements
Better strength
Better mobility
Working hard is great, just because you don't have a goal doesn't mean you shouldn't work hard.
That's where most people go wrong.
No goal, no work.
If you do nothing else today, just take some time to write down what you want, and more importantly WHY you want it.
Quite often the what changes when you figure out the why.
Want to have a 6 pack? Why?
To have more energy, feel more confident etc.
Then you actually don't need a 6 pack for those things so the goal can change.
Keep working hard, just know WHY you're working hard and it will be all the better.
Fabio (hard worker) Bonanno
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