Why are you at work?

Why are you at work?

What makes you commit to your current job role? Money, Love of the job, or pleasing others?

Are you working for the right Business/Manager and is it for your benefit or just theirs? Here are 3 things to think about......

  1. The first suggestion is DON'T be a people pleaser! It's great to want to be helpful but don't go overboard and help others and get sidelined and forget to focus on your own aim. You need to be fulfilling your personal aims too, to be working for whom you work for.
  2. Why did you go to your current job in the first place? Think hard to why you moved into that company and think am I thriving or am I a number and lost in the team? It's so easy to get comfortable and not shine, have you lost your passion? If this is happening this company is not the right one for you.
  3. Are you being challenged enough? Everyone needs some kind of pressure to succeed, if you feel no pressure you are in a cosy job role that will not give you any self-worth or confidence for future career progression.

Lastly, if I am describing you... and you would like to find a job in the right company in Estate Agency that is really tailor-made to suit your personal needs and you feel a bit lost where you currently are working please give me a call me on 07753 130532, or you can email me at [email protected], I would love to try and help you. Happy Tuesday people!


