Why you want a learning specialist on your team
William Batten
Training and Development Specialist | Creative Training Developer | Author | Performance Coaching
Blunt truth time:
Most courses are mediocre.
They’re boring info dumps, not pitched at the right audience.
They’re expensive - maybe in money, definitely in time and effort.
It takes many iterations before the course is even tolerable, let alone effective. And that assumes the team can continue to update it. What if they spend all their time delivering it, or working on the next one?
And speaking of developing courses, it’s a slow, difficult process. It takes a lot of effort pulling the content together and turning it into the simplest, worst death-by-PowerPoint extravaganza around.
You have a learning and development specialist in your team, right from the start.
Then it becomes quicker and easier to develop and run.
It’ll always take a lot to pull a course together, but a specialist will help.
Right from gathering requirements to refining the course.
And if you can’t find a specialist?
The next best thing is to bring your team up to scratch in the basics.
I say ‘basics’ but, really, most learning programs don’t get these right.
But in less than an hour, you can learn (and see in action) 12 principles that make any course great. It’s easier than you think to add even a few of these, which can be enough to take it from woeful to delightful, from an effort to effective.
And when you use my affiliate link below, it won’t even cost you anything.
Sure, it’s a trial period - but it’s more than long enough to master these.
Here’s the link: