Why Are You Taking Such A Short Term View?
Will de Bruin
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We all want it “NOW,” right?
We want our food now, our TV now, our books now…. Our SUCCESS now!
But this isn’t one of those, “Millennials, wait your turn” kind of posts.
It’s actually about understanding PATIENCE, playing the LONG GAME and remaining POSITIVE when your measurement of success isn’t moving quite as quickly as you’d like. It’s about taking a LONG TERM VIEW of your business and reminding yourself to CONSISTENTLY do the things that will make it better and stronger in the long run.
Often the things that will sustain your business, such as LEAD GENERATION and client/ referrer relations, are harder than other tasks because they require more effort and planning.
They are the things YOU KNOW you should be doing and KNOW are necessary to the longevity of your business. But you decide to neglect them anyway.
Why then, are these activities such an arduous task?
Because YOU are not taking a long term view. More often than not, there is NO INSTANT GRATIFICATION. There are no immediate results to show for your effort.
So this means we turn back to the same old routines and habits. Or we look for ways to save time, money or effort, such as paying for “high-value, qualified” leads, or putting up a few sporadic Facebook posts.
Doing things on a WHIM with no thought can hurt your business. It’s an attempt at a ‘quick fix’ that will ultimately come back around to be solved again and again.
So, if you feel you have been taking a short term view...
Here Are 3 Ways You Can Take A Long Term View
1- Behave Your Beliefs
Do you have a set of beliefs, values or morals that you live and work by? If not, make them. Write them down and ensure you are living and working them each day. These are your STANDARDS - how you treat people, how you communicate with clients, WHY you operate the way you do, etc.
2- Let Outsiders In
Outsource and involve people in your business to help build your story and share the load. Empowering people to do things that you have no interest in or time for will free you up for other important things. Be generous with information and ideas, and it will come back to you in spades.
3- Invent Your Own Game
Seek to be different. Use your interests, hobbies and passions as a way to identify who you are and what your business is all about. That way you carve out your own market and are not dictated by what everybody else is doing.
I am of the belief that if you do right by your clients, always act with integrity and work as hard as you possibly can for their benefit, you will create a long term business. Your clients are your future - for the short and long term. Your choice!
I would love to hear your feedback. Feel free to get in touch.
Onwards and Upwards