Why you shouldn’t numb your anger?
Dr Fern White
Principal Dentist @ Beacon Cove Dental, Melbourne Keynote Speaker, Coach and Mentor for Dental Women ????
Ever get those little flashes of anger?
You're in the clinic and something has pissed you off. Maybe your temp nurse keeps dropping something over and over.?
Suddenly, inside you’re RAGING.?
It’s not like you can start snapping at your nurse in front of the patients.
So what do you do??
You stuff it down.?
This keeps going on ALL day.?
Instead of taking the nurse to one side and communicating—you know, kindly saying you notice she’s been dropping things today, is she ok? Could she maybe try to be more careful because it’s distracting you a little—you try to ignore it.?
You suppress the rage until you become numb to the feeling.??
If you can’t feel it, it’s not happening, right??
Suppressed rage is like a kettle boiling. Eventually something small will trigger it to boil over.?
Maybe your partner says something over dinner. Or your kid throws a toy. (Usually it's someone we love, right?)
BAM! Everyone gets scalded.
One tiny thing (or so it seems) leads to the eruption of the century.
But it’s not really the one thing. The rage that’s exploding out all over everyone at that moment isn’t even about that.?
It’s the cyclone that’s been whirling around in you all day, building and building until suddenly it gets out of control and sweeps up EVERYONE in its path.?
It’s toxic and like a cyclone, it causes damage. Maybe not physical, but left unchecked, it can damage your relationships.?
Emotion = Energy in Motion.
You can’t hold it back forever, it has to move eventually.
So, next time a storm his,
FEEL IT (and say to yourself):?
"Right now, it's okay for me to be feeling this emotion."?
Emotions are meant to be felt.
Let it move through your body by actually moving your body.
Excuse yourself from the patient and go to the back room if you have to.
Movement prevents a huge build-up of these toxic energies that erupt at innocuous toy throws.?
Just forget the story attached to it. All that does is inflame the emotion and make it ten times worse.
The body knows what to do here, not the brain.?
P.S. If you want to get a handle on your emotions and make MORE of your life by taking back what stress is stealing from you,
FOLLOW me on social media and enjoy my doses of INSPIRATION so you can become a more powerful you