Why You Shouldn't Be Afraid of Failure (3 Principles)
Enrique Rubio (he/him)
Top 100 HR Global HR Influencer | HRE's 2024 Top 100 HR Tech Influencers | Speaker | Future of HR
Is there somebody who inherently likes failure and failing? I really don't think so. I mean, let’s be honest, nobody sets on a journey thinking that the goal is to fail. If you have created something that failed, you probably felt really bad and frustrated, even when somebody came to you with ancient sayings about getting up, sucking it up or encouraging you to try again. Failing hurts, period.
Nevertheless, failure is a potential part of the process to become and achieve anything other than what lies within our comfort zones. And failure is only a “potential” state, because nobody needs to fail in order to succeed. It is not true that failing is part of the process to become what we want to be, or to achieve our personal or professional goals. If we can avoid failing, we definitely should. But failure helps us grow thicker skin and more resiliency. So, it definitely has a very positive side when it happens (although most of us don't see at the moment, but long time after).
It is evident, however, that failing is very likely to happen when you are trying something new. In such cases, learning from failure is the key differentiator between those who try to build long term greatness, versus those who succumb in the face of difficult circumstances.
One of the big problems in the entrepreneurial world is that we can see clearly all of those who have succeeded big time. We know of successful people such as Arianna Huffington, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Walt Disney and many others. And yet, thinking of them as very successful also creates the kind of pressure and the difficulty in accepting the idea that they once went through difficult times, in which failure was part of their own growth process. Of course it is easy for them to talk about failure at this point in their lives. They are already successful! But let's give this talk a chance.
Arianna Huffington was rejected by 36 publishers before becoming the successful business woman she is today. Bill Gates first company Traf-O-Data was a total failure. Walt Disney was told that he lacked creativity, and Steve Jobs was kicked out of his own company. How about you? In my case, I have also failed in several endeavors.
I think that each one of my failures have added a layer of wisdom and experience to my life that I expect will prove to be very important one day. I don't know when. I wish it was today... or, let's be patient... maybe tomorrow. But I'm very faithful that all the knowledge gained during my times of failure, together with the many new things I learn everyday, disparate as they might be, are mixing in the melting pot of my mind. Some day those thoughts and ideas will combine in an unique way. And, voila! A personal breakthrough will emerge. And, like awesome recipes need tasteful ingredients to turn out great, ideas can use failure as part of the magic sauce.
Here are some principles to help us move through when failing:
- Failing is a potential state: as I said before, we don’t need to fail in order to become or achieve what we set out to be or accomplish. Nevertheless, a new territory emerges as soon as we step out of our comfort zones. Creating and innovating require taking action and embracing risks, which brings the potential for failure. Let’s accept the premise that failing is possible not as a timeless true, but hopefully as one that will be proved wrong more often than not.
- No fight, or flight, but learn and make it right: our brains have evolved a lot since our first ancestors showed up on earth. But one thing that we still keep deeply ingrained in our minds is the fight or flight response in the face of danger. Well, we are not facing big mammoths or saber-toothed tigers anymore. We shouldn’t run away or fist our way out of troubles these days (unless you are a boxer). Other type of risks abound in our lives these days (reputation, income, etc.). And we need to reach another level of response when things don’t go as planned. Which one? The learn, and make it right way! If you created something, an idea, product, service, your first startup, and they don’t have the results you expect. Learn from what went wrong, and make it right. Learning, that is the key.
- The Yin Yang of failure: there is always something good in the bad and something bad in the good. Nothing is totally good or totally bad. If you fail, look at the positive results from that failure. This is not just about learning from the process, but picking up the positive outcomes of that failure. The opposite is also true. If you succeed in becoming or achieving something, you need to look for potential flaw areas. It is better that you prepare yourself for errors that can lead to failure, than letting them appear out of nowhere and take you by surprise. Scientists have long known this principle. When they set out to prove a hypothesis, and end up failing in proving it, very often they find out something completed unexpected, yet fantastic. That is the Yin Yang of Failure.
I’m still failing in some of my endeavors. And I don’t enjoy failing, but I’m taking the most advantage out of it. To me, it is fundamental to understand each failure as a lesson. In doing so, I’m adding more skills, experience and ideas that could potentially work very well in another time, a different environment, or in the face of another type of challenges. How about you? Have you failed? What have you learned from it? How have you applied those lessons in your life and following achievements? How are you making it right? What is the Yin Yang of your failures?
About the Author: Enrique Rubio is an Electronic Engineer and a Fulbright scholar with an Executive Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Syracuse University. Enrique is passionate about leadership, business and social entrepreneurship, curiosity, creativity and innovation. He is a blogger and podcaster, and also a competitive ultrarunner. Visit the blog: Innovation for Development and Podcast.
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