Why you should write a letter to your future self! ??

Why you should write a letter to your future self! ??

Have you ever thought about writing a letter to your "future self"? In the past few weeks, I have come across this idea again and again among my friends and on social media. ??

So I've been wondering what it's all about and why each of us should take the time to write a few lines to ourselves? ??

Here is why ...????

In the chaos of everyday life, we often feel that there is always something more important to do than take an hour to reflect on ourselves and assess our own lives. A letter to your "future self" can be one of the best opportunities to do this and is a big step towards self-awareness.?

Furthermore, this exercise offers you the opportunity to consider your "future self", to set goals, to consciously shape your future and to plan your own path without blindly walking through life. ??

So let's move on to the best way to structure a letter to yourself. You can see these 4 areas as a small suggestion ??:

  • ???? Reflection on the present
  • ? Changes to be made
  • ?? Goals for the future
  • ?? Funny and crazy predictions

Let's go! ...

???? Reflection on the present

This is about deconstructing the present, which requires a fair amount of self-reflection.

Some questions that can help you do this are:

  • What is going on?
  • What is not working?
  • What gives you energy?
  • What drains your energy?
  • Which relationships really bring you joy?
  • Which relationships are toxic?
  • What is currently surprising you?
  • Are your current habits in line with your goals?

Curious? - You can read the rest of the article in our new blogpost.

Have a lovely week,

Lena from whylab ??



