Why You Should Work with a Life Settlement Broker
Right now, as we face the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, seniors are struggling mightily to pay their bills,
including their health insurance costs. More and more are cash-strapped like never before. In fact,
many of your senior clients are currently weighing a tough decision...should they continue to pay for
their life insurance premiums? Can they continue to afford them?
That's where LIS can help, and that's exactly why you should never go into the life settlement
marketplace WITHOUT working with a pro.
Did you know a life settlement can generate 7X more cash than if your client surrendered their
policy? It would mean much-needed cash and peace of mind for their family, especially now.
Now's the time to identify on your list of clients those of them who may be struggling -- because the last
thing that you want to have happen is to allow them to surrender or exit their policy when you CAN
HELP THEM GENERATE UP TO 7X MORE, while putting a well-deserved commission into your
? A life settlement broker represents the seller and has a fiduciary duty to secure the best possible
offer available to the client.
? A life settlement broker has relationships with all the licensed providers (the institutional capital)
that can potentially purchase the policy.
? ASK: Does your broker have their finger on the pulse of the life settlement marketplace? LIS does.
? We put providers in an uncomfortable position of being in a bidding “war” which results in
driving up the purchase price -- ensuring the most for your client.
? This is a free, non-binding appraisal.
? MORE Questions to ask yourself:
o Is your broker licensed?
o Is your broker a member of the Life Insurance Settlements Association or LISA?
o Is your broker a part of the leadership structure of LISA?
o Is your broker a charter member of LISA’s Public Policy Council?
o What kind of experience does your broker have? Have they been in the business longer
than 10 years? 20 years? LIS has been in the business for almost 30 years.
o Have they closed 100 settlements? 1,000 settlements? LIS has closed over 30,000