Why You Should Value Deep Work
Deep work is a state of peak concentration that lets you learn hard things and create quality work quickly. The concept of deep work was first coined by computer science professor Cal Newport, who suggests that to be truly productive, we should log out of all communication tools for multiple hours a day in order to sustain our focus. In this article, we explore the benefits of deep work and offer seven rules to help you take advantage of deep work in your daily life.
Twice a year, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates retreats to a cabin in the woods to do nothing but read and think big thoughts. During his self-proclaimed “think weeks,” Gates completely isolates himself from the outside world—meaning no email, no phone calls, and no internet access. It’s just him and a stack of papers from Microsoft employees pitching new innovations or investments.?
Gates completely removes distractions from his surroundings in order to prioritize deep work—a state of concentration that maximizes creativity and focus. And clearly, it worked, since work done during Gates’ “think weeks” led to innovations like the launch of Internet Explorer in 1995.
But you don’t have to retreat to a woodland cabin to get the full benefits of deep work. While most of us don’t have the luxury of stepping away for days or weeks at a time, you can still build deep work into your daily routine with a few simple practices.?
What is Deep Work??
Deep work is a state of peak concentration that lets you learn hard things and create quality work quickly. The term was coined by Cal Newport, a computer science professor at Georgetown University and author of “Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World.” In his book, Newport defines deep work as a state of distraction-free concentration when your brain works at its maximum potential.
Simply put, Newport’s deep work theory suggests that to be truly productive, we should log out of all communication tools and work, uninterrupted, for long periods of time every day. So while you might not be able to fully step away from your team communication tools, aim for 60-90 distraction-free minutes at a time.
Deep Work vs. Shallow Work
Newport defines shallow work as logistical-style tasks that can be performed while distracted, like work coordination and communication tasks that are easy to replicate.?
At Asana, we call this “work about work.” According to our research, 60% of knowledge workers’ time is spent on coordination tasks like answering emails, coordinating projects, and scheduling meetings. And while it’s not realistic to eliminate all shallow work from most jobs, reducing time spent on shallow work can make space for the high-impact tasks that matter most.?
The Science Behind Deep Work
Deep work is effective for two reasons: it helps you avoid distractions and rewires your brain to help you learn hard things faster—so you can get better work done in less time. Here’s how:?
Avoid Distractions
Eliminating distractions is a core component of deep work and for good reason. When you switch between tasks—like checking your phone while drafting a project proposal—a bit of your attention gets stuck on the prior task. So even when you go back to writing, a part of your brain is still thinking about that text message you just saw. This phenomenon is called attention residue, and it takes a serious toll. Research shows that it can take upwards of 20 minutes to regain momentum after an interruption—so if you check your phone twice in an hour, that’s two-thirds of your focus time lost.?
Rewire Your Brain?
Deep work is the best way to learn new skills quickly. When you concentrate deeply, your brain cements learning pathways and strengthens the connections between neurons so they can fire faster. That means when you focus intensely on a specific skill, you’re literally rewiring your brain to help you perform that skill more effectively. Furthermore, research suggests that this rewiring can only happen when you concentrate on a single task at a time while avoiding distraction (in other words, when you work deeply).?
Why is Deep Work so Important??
The ability to work deeply doesn’t just give you an edge in the modern workplace—it also brings satisfaction and meaning to your daily tasks. Here’s how deep work can boost your work performance and enrich your daily life:?
Deep Work is Impactful
When you work deeply, you can learn challenging subjects and produce quality work quickly—two skills that can set you (and your team) up for success in the modern workplace.?
Deep Work is Rare
According to our research, 60% of knowledge workers’ time is spent on coordination rather than the skilled, strategic jobs they were hired to do. This bias towards shallow work instead of true productivity presents an opportunity for teams who prioritize focus at work because they can produce better results than their competition.?
Even though deep work is rare, it doesn’t have to be. There are concrete steps you can take to help your team work deeply, by unblocking their time-consuming tasks, clarifying work priorities, and increasing team visibility. If you haven’t already, make sure you’re:
Deep Work Feels Good
Deep work is more than a way to be more productive—it also just feels good to do. That’s because deep work is a type of flow state, a cognitive zone that’s intrinsically rewarding and presents an ideal balance between skills and challenge.?
As a bonus, concentrating deeply helps you bring value into the world and create things that matter, which in turn can bring a new level of satisfaction to your working life. Neurological research suggests that your perception of the world is shaped by what you pay attention to—so if you spend time working deeply, your mind perceives your world as full of meaning and importance.?
“A deep life is a good life.”
-Cal Newport, author of Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World
7 Rules to Create a Deep Work Habit
Your mind is like a muscle, which means you can build your capacity for deep work through practice and consistency over time. To get you started, we’ve laid out seven rules to help you establish a deep work habit.??
1. Choose an Approach
In order to work deeply, you need a plan that fits your individual schedule and work preferences. In his book, Newport outlines four different approaches (or “philosophies”) to follow as you decide how to schedule your deep work. Depending on your lifestyle, some approaches may work better than others:?
“If I organize my life in such a way that I get lots of long, consecutive, uninterrupted time-chunks, I can write novels. But as those chunks get separated and fragmented, my productivity as a novelist drops spectacularly.”
—Author Neil Stephenson, from his essay, Why I am a Bad Correspondent
2. Create Rituals to Help You Focus
Research suggests that our brains remember specific associations. When you pair two things—like salt and pepper, or a clean desk and concentration—your mind learns and anticipates that same combination in the future. That means you can create rituals to trigger concentration and tell your brain it’s time to focus. For example, if you always clean off your desk before writing, a clear workspace will make it easier for you to focus on writing in the future.?
As you craft your deep work ritual, ask yourself the following questions:?
You can also build additional triggers into your routine to jumpstart your concentration, like lighting a candle, listening to a specific type of music, or dressing in a certain way.?
3. Prioritize Your Most Important Work?
With focus, prioritization is key. Often the more you try to do, the less you actually accomplish—so in order to work deeply, you need to concentrate on the most important task and ignore everything else. Here’s how to do it:?
4. Track and Audit Your Time
You need to invest time to get things done, and deep work is no different. That’s why managing your schedule and taking charge of your time is critical—because to build more deep work into your routine, you have to make room for it.?
Here are some strategies to help you understand and manage your time:?
5. Minimize Digital Distractions
Distraction is the arch-nemesis of depth. But distraction—especially of the digital variety—is more common than ever in today’s fast-paced work environment. At a time when 80% of knowledge workers report working with their inbox open and nearly three in four employees feel pressure to multitask every day, avoiding digital distractions can seem nearly impossible.?
But minimizing distractions is still doable with a few simple strategies:?
6. Take Time to Recharge?
Rest is just as important as work. Setting aside time to recharge every day can help prevent burnout and make your deep work habit sustainable. Newport suggests that you should disconnect fully from work to get the most of your downtime, so setting clear boundaries is essential. He recommends creating a hard cut-off time for work each day (for him, it’s 5:30pm), and avoiding work on the weekends. That means once you’re done, you’re done—no checking Slack on your phone, composing emails in your head, or thinking about upcoming meetings.?
If it’s hard for you to disconnect, try creating a “shut-down procedure” that you complete at the end of each workday. This can be 10-20 minutes when you take a last look at your inbox to ensure you’re not missing important notifications, plan how you’ll accomplish any unfinished tasks, and review your schedule for the next day. This practice provides peace of mind when you sign off for the day, so you can avoid nagging worries about unfinished work.?
7. Set Goals and Track Your Progress?
Setting clear goals is one of the best ways to stay motivated and sustain your deep work habit over time. In fact, when psychologists tested the impact of different motivational techniques on group performance, they found goal setting was one of the most effective. That’s because goals create intrinsic motivation—the drive to succeed that comes from within yourself, rather than external factors like praise or compensation.
To create a habit of deep work, set short-term goals to track metrics like how many hours you want to focus each day. Newport suggests creating a scoreboard where you can record your daily hours and check off each goal you’ve accomplished. You can also create higher-level long-term goals to help you work up to a certain amount of hours over time—for example, you might start with one hour per day, then work up to four hours over a period of three months. Just remember to make your objectives measurable and specific with a framework like the SMART goal methodology or Objectives and Key Results (OKRs).?
Deep work is one of the best ways to maximize your creative potential—but it’s about more than just productivity. Ultimately, working deeply just feels good, and it can help you feel energized and empowered to accomplish challenging tasks each day. Or in the words of Cal Newport, “a deep life is a good life.”
Unlock deep work by reducing the amount of shallow work you and your team do. Asana lets you coordinate work in one place so you can spend less time searching for documents, chasing approvals, and answering emails—and more time getting your highest-impact work done.