Why You Should Not Use ChatGPT For Creating Blog Posts And Website Content

Why You Should Not Use ChatGPT For Creating Blog Posts And Website Content

Love ChatGPT?

Here's Why You Should Not Use It's Output Directly On Your Website

ChatGPT has changed the way people create content. While there were AI Writers like Jasper AI and Copy AI that created quality content for a long time, ChatGPT stood apart because of its ability to remember the conversation and the free tag.

But literally, every tool in the market has flaws, and ChatGPT has a big one...

The content generated using ChatGPT is easily detectable as AI-generated content.

Hugging Face has a tool that uses GPT-2 detection API created by OpenAI themselves to find if the content is AI-generated. You can access this tool?using this link.

Note: In the past, I've had trouble accessing the tool using an Indian IP. Though the tool works in India now, if you face any issues, use VPN to switch to any international IP.

To demonstrate the Hugging Face tool, I first copied a small chunk of text from one of the Shopify Blog Posts into the tool as shown below

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As you can see, as per the tool, the content is 99.98% real. Such high values indicate that the content is human-generated.

Next, I used ChatGPT to create an output on the same topic. Here are the input and output from the ChatGPT tool.

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Let's copy the output to the ChatGPT tool and see what it has to say about the it.

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As you can see, the tool rightly flagged the content as fake, or in other words, AI-generated.

The same was the case with another similar tool, ChatGenie by WriteCream, which is?currently offering a Lifetime Deal.

I used it to generate text with the same input I provided to ChatGPT. In the case of WriteCream, the content was just 1.81% Real and 98.19% Fake, as shown below.

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So, if a tool that was created to detect GPT-2 content can also detect ChatGPT content, what makes you think that Google cannot?

Of course, for now, Google is quite lenient regarding AI-generated content. However, we must remember that Google is very particular about E-E-A-T, as evident in the Google Quality Raters Guidelines.

And if you have to rely on AI to generate content for you, it reflects your lack of expertise in the field.

So, as AI writing technology becomes more common and more and more people start misuing it, I expect Google to intervene at some point and crack down on websites that solely rely on AI-generated content.

The same is expected from websites like Quora, which might, at some point, flag AI-generated content. And as the awareness increases, even clients will start using tools like Hugging Face to check if the content was generated using AI

This greatly limits the growth of such tool in mainstream content creation.

So, does that mean you should not use AI tools at all?

Not exactly.

You can safely use AI to generate outlines and ideas for you. You can also use it if you get stuck while writing the article and need help finding words to express what you want to say.

In other words, it's perfectly fine to use an AI writer as your writing assistant. The problem arises only when you want AI to write everything for you.

However, here too, there is another exception. Jasper Chat by Jasper AI seems to create more human-like content that even deceives Hugging Face. You can check my?Jasper AI Review

To demonstrate the same, I used the same input from ChatGPT as an input to Jasper Chat. And below is the output that I got.

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Now let's see what Hugging Face has to say about it

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As you can see, the output from Jasper AI easily passes the AI test, which means at least the GPT-2 detection API fails to detect it as AI-generated content, and chances are high that even Google might fail here.

But still, I'd advise using it with caution and trying to adjust the output to make it unique, more engaging, and helpful for your readers.

To sum up this post, although AI tools are capable of generating high-quality content, they aren't really safe to use from an SEO perspective if you solely rely on them for creating content.

However, using them as your content assistants can help you significantly speed up your content creation process.

What do you think of AI Writers from an SEO perspective? Your views are welcome in the comments section.

I think upgrades in AI-based writing tools can be used for advancement & tackling writer's block



