Why you should switch to NFC Business Cards in 2023 ?
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Why you should switch to NFC Business Cards in 2023 ?

Why EVERY industry must shift to NFC Business Cards in 2023

In times when every industry is turning to technology integration for business growth, NFC business cards are the lifesaver of business interactions.?

Evolving with time and integrating new technologies for the benefit of the business is crucial for every industry. All the aspects of conducting business are reshaping with time including networking. From creators to entrepreneurs, every industry needs to embrace modern-networking techniques to propel your business forward. Gone are the days when relying on traditional business cards helped in building a network that can boost your business’ growth. Now is the era of Smart Networking with NFC-Powered Smart Business Cards.

Smart Business cards are plastic/metal cards that allow the instant sharing of information with the help of Near Field Communication (NFC) Technology. With just one tap, these digital cards let you share your personal/business contact information including your business website, social media profiles, portfolio, work links, and other relevant information with just one tap. You can learn about Smart Business Cards in detail here.

NFC-powered Smart Business Cards are the new hot trend in the market now! Being fast, smart, simple, and sustainable, they give you all the reasons why you should introduce smart business cards into your business today. They help track the interaction with various links, allow you to edit the information on the go, are an environment-friendly option, and are the best one-time investment.?

But why is it important for all industries to adapt to a smarter way of interaction? Let's discuss this.

  • Designers and Editors

While everyone is busy sending their portfolios which recruiters do not even open because either the file is too large or just too much information, you can turn to the latest technology - NFC Business Cards. Fearlessly include all your portfolio links and work links in your profile and share them with your recruiter in one tap. Since not everyone is already doing this smart exchange, it is intriguing enough for the recruiter to get to know you and your work more!?

  • IT Sector

The people who are known as tech-gurus should be the first to embrace an opportunity to enter the market with the latest technology. The Information and Technology Sector is one of the coolest jobs to be in. Do you have a project that you are proud of? Add the link. No one knows how to embrace technology better than the techies themselves. While you are developing software to change the course of the world, NFC technology should be at the top of your list.

  • Banking Sector?

The sales team of the banking sector works very hard to secure a few minutes of interaction with their potential client/ investor. But is it possible to disseminate every part of the information in so little time? How would they know details of the benefits they can receive??

This is why NFC-powered Smart Business Cards are the right fit for you. You can add all the important information including website address, the link to new schemes, contact information, and more to it, and connect to them with just one tap.?

  • Entrepreneurs

From looking for funds to launching a product line with planned sales techniques, entrepreneurs carefully plan every step to move with the new times. Then why would you stay behind in business cards???

You meet a great investor and deliver a perfect pitch to them, but when it's time to knock the ball out of the park you hand them over your old-fashioned business cards. But with one tap you can share your business information in detail with just one tap. From your product line-up to your featured articles, there is nothing that you can’t showcase to your investors with your digital business card. Moreover, when you know which links of yours are getting the most taps, as an Entrepreneur you’ll able to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of your business.

  • Social Services

Growing from the grassroots level all the way to the top level, it is never easy for an NGO to carve a space for itself. But what is the one thing that is always difficult even for social workers? Getting people involved, seeking financial help, volunteering, or in any other form.?

People working in social services can get their information all ready to be shared with one tap. Their previous accomplishments, future prospects, fundraisers, their impact, and the importance of their cause, everything gets shared in one tap when done with a smart business card. To add to all this, NFC Business Cards are environment and pocket friendly!

Every sector is unique in its own way, but one thing that all of them have in common is the need for adaptation to modern times. TapOnn comes forward as that revolutionary platform that is changing the face of business networking. NFC-powered Smart Business Cards presented to you by TapOnn have the potential to be the backbone of every industry by eliminating the hassle of manually exchanging information. From TapOnn’s mobile app to its smart networking products, everything is optimized to serve one purpose - Making Networking Smart, Fast, and Simple. And all of this happens without burning a hole in your pocket. So it is time for you to buckle up and continue moving forward with TapOnn.?



