Why you should say ‘Hi’ and ‘Thank you’ to ChatGPT
Elijah O'Donnell, Pexels.com

Why you should say ‘Hi’ and ‘Thank you’ to ChatGPT

This does something neurologically in your brain

'Assigning tasks to ChatGPT will get you very far, but it’s not going to be the kind of game-changing thing that ChatGPT is.' Conor Grennan

Love this.

It's not for ChatGPT; it's for you, your dialogue, and your mindset. And how your brain works (to get the most out of ChatGPT).

Why say ‘Hi’?

The key takeaway from the video is to start your dialogue with ChatGPT with ‘Hi.’??Greet ChatGPT as a human, not a computer. The text below is a copy-paste-edit of Connor's rationale.?

‘Assigning tasks to ChatGPT will get you very far, but it’s not going to be the kind of game-changing thing that ChatGPT is.’

‘You are treating ChatGPT like a tool; that’s how we interacted with the internet for a long time. However, ChatGPT doesn’t behave like a tool; it behaves like a human.'

'Therefore, to get the most out of the tool, we have to behave like we are talking to a human and not a tool. And start with ‘Hi’.’

‘ChatGPT doesn’t care if you say ‘Hi’; it’s about your mindset. The problem with issuing commands and waiting for responses is that it limits you. By locking you into an unproductive mindset that limits you from getting the most out of ChatGPT.’

‘Starting with ‘Hi’ is not just common courtesy; it?does something neurologically in your brain. It?establishes?respect and rapport. This is social identity theory; this?is?the cooperative?principle. If you treat the other person (or tool) as a partner, you are going to initiate a more productive dialogue, which is exactly where the power of ChatGPT lies.’

‘Treat it like a human, that’s to start with ‘Hi’.’

‘Again, ChatGPT does not care if you say ‘Hi’; it’s?about your mindset.’


To do

First, watch the full?video?from ‘Hi’ to ‘Thank you’ to ‘Great,’?as I’m just scratching the surface here.

Second, give?Conor Grennan?a follow for more inspiration.?

Read more about AI and content

91% of companies are hiring workers with ChatGPT experience

How to use ChatGPT to create content: defining your brand voice

How to prepare for AI to help you with your content

more: https://www.thinklikeapublisher.com/?h=1&t=AI


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