Why You Should Reimage Your Vision
Image by Josh Hild on Pexel

Why You Should Reimage Your Vision

Let's face it: Most of the things you have envisioned won't come to fruition (Ouch!). In other words, a huge part of your potential future will never become real! Do you really need a bigger reason than that to reimage your vision? Well, I don't. I have big dreams that I want to experience and I believe you do too.

But why is that, so many times we have amazing dreams, we set beautiful goals and imagine life-changing events that never become real? What is going on? What is wrong with us?

First and foremost, let's change the feelings around it! Nothing is wrong. Beating ourselves or blaming others will not change past events. It will simply multiply those feelings so we can experience more of them. If you don't feel bliss about your own future, why should you work for it, anyway!?

Now that we have cleared "the not so good" connotations about the past, let's deep dive into what we can do to reimagine our visions more effectively and allow thing to unfold beautifully.

1. Get clear on the "What"

When defining a vision, it is crucial to get crystal clear on what you want. Go deep and define every single detail of this reality you want to call into existence. So instead of just saying "I want a job!" or "I want more money!" or "I want to spend more time with my children!". Detail the vison: Which job? How much money? What's the minimum amount of hours you will be spending with your children? Go ahead and put your vision into a context: How will the entire day unfold? Who's is with you? What are you doing in the morning? How is your afternoon? How is your day ending? What are you feeling throughout this day?

The more clear you are on what you want, the better. That will enable you to know that you are experiencing the vision you called into this reality.

2. Be real about the "Why"

Once you are crystal clear on your "What" it is time to give it a meaning, a reason. Why do you want what you want? From all the things you could have been dreaming of, why do you want this specific thing? What are the reasons behind it? The more reason you have, the more they call to you, the more you care about it, the better.

The reasons you define will be your motivation to follow through. If you defined a big vision, it will probably get your knees shaking, butterflies in your stomach and there will be moments that you would want to give up! And that is okay. That is why you have to be real about why you are doing what you are doing. The key here is to be real. Don't create reasons that don't speak to you. We can all want the same things but have completely different reasons why. And that is okay.

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3. Let it go of the "How"

I know this might feel counter-intuitive and by no means, I am telling you not to do anything. What I am inviting you to do... challenging you to do, is to surrender the "How".

Don't worry about the "stars being aligned". Don't worry about all the things you have to do. Don't worry if you are not feeling enough. Know that your vision is already done. So all you have to do, all you should really do is just accelerate your vision into reality.

Letting go of the "How" is not the same thing as doing nothing. To surrender the "How" is to take aligned actions, knowing that your vision is done, and it is just a matter of time and space to catch up.

Speaking from experience, if you follow these steps, you will increase your chances of achieving your goals. Or at least increase the percentage of your vision that you get to experience.

One of my goals in 2019, was to win awards. It started with as many as I could to the top 5 awards I wanted to win. I got crystal clear on which awards. I also knew exactly why I wanted every single one of them. Yes, it was for recognition. Yes, it was for visibility. And, Yes, it was for the network. But it was also to inspire other young Mozambicans, other fellows Africans to do the same. More important it was to prove to myself how powerful I am. I applied for 5 international awards, and I won 3, did not win 1 yet, and I am still waiting for the outcome of the last one). Each one of these offered me an experience beyond my imagination. You can read all more the awards in the accomplishment section in my LinkedIn profile. But my point here is If I did it, so can you.

One of my goals in 2020 is to enable people to remember how powerful they are. Therefore, I am making myself available to guide you in stepping into your power and creating the reality you want, desire and deserve. If this resonated with you and you wish further support to reimagine your vision, allow things to unfold and live your best life, let's have a coffee and chat about it here: https://www.coffeechat.co/mentor/in/JúlioMuhorro


Júlio Maria is an award-winning professional with a positive attitude, organization, and dependability. He uses his experience within management, entrepreneurship training, business advisory, and career coaching to enable people and organizational growth.


