Why You Should Read “The Power of Moments”
I am a longtime fan of the Chip and Dan Heath. Pretty much whatever they write, I will read. I loved Made to Stick (my review) and Switch (review).
So, when I heard about their new book, The Power of Moments: Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact (ironically, I always forget the title saying “Defining Moments” or something like that), I knew I had to buy.
And, while expectations were high, the Heath brothers have done it again. They are great storytellers, have a solid sense of humor, and understand how to deliver value.
As a marketer, of course, I look at the world through this lens, as Godin would say, ‘how to create remarkable.”
What I love about this book is that they give you the recipe. All you have to do is follow it.
In theory.
I’m trying this with one client right now and we’ll see what happens.
So, what is IT?
The basic gist of it all is that the way we infuse boring moments with meaning is through 1 of 4 methods.
The first is “Elevation”. This is basically the idea of doing something that is just slightly better than expected. It’s like dropping a cherry on top of an ice cream sundae.
The second is Pride. This is about celebrating the achievements of others in front of peers they respect and vice versa.
The third is Insight. This where people’s perspectives are changed in an instant. A stark realization about the world that you didn’t think was possible or true. (Note: this sounds like the most difficult one for me.)
The fourth, Connection: One that comes from having shared the struggle with a common goal.
For example, in the case of ZCash, everyone who was a participant in “The Ceremony” shares a special connection because of the size and scope of the challenge that was overcome. [Note: the best experience of the ZCash ceremony is to listen to this podcast of it. It’s gripping stuff from Radiolab.]
So, if you are looking to create moments in your business (or personal life) that will differentiate you from your competition in the mind of your market (be it talent marketplace, vendor marketplace, or customer marketplace), understanding the Heath Brothers Power of Moments Recipe would be a value-add.