Your unique selling proposition (USP) makes your business stand out from the crowd. It tells your customers what is special about your business.

 So it's vital to get it right. It also makes you do the following;

1 Understand your target audience

It begins with your target audience. What do you know about your target audience ? Why do they purchase items from the market you are operating in? What needs does that market meet for them? Are they looking for saving time, some expertise, a trustworthy supplier or something else? By consulting customers and colleagues you will be able to make a list of all the reasons why someone might choose to buy your product or service.

2 Identify your competitive advantage?

What is your organisation really good at ? Make a list of your competitors. What needs are they meeting ? Evaluate how well they meet those needs on a scale of 1-5. Just because someone currently has a good position in a market doesn't mean that they're delivering on it. Can your company do it better ? That’s a strong basis for market entry.

3 Think a little broader.

What needs aren't being met at present ? What trends are in the industry at present? Consider current trends and those issues that will be most important in five years' time. Now see if you can extend your advantage into these areas.

4 Test and refine your USP.

Come up with a strong statement that conveys your USP. Talk to five or ten potential customers to get their feedback on the different ways you are positioning your brand.

The results of these interviews should help you to choose the best positioning statement. You should also choose the single most compelling reason for that positioning.

5 Communicate your USP.

Your USP should be driving the development of your company through your marketing strategy. Always ask yourself if your image and activity clearly communicate the benefit you are offering. It's not advisable to change your USP too often but it is important to keep it fresh. Watch out for any shifts in trends or competitors that cause your customers to view you and your USP differently.


Fergal Maher MBS Mark, Dip.Strat. Mark.FMIIGrad的更多文章

