Why you should never retire instead be meaningfully active always
50 tips Why you should never retire for a great life

Why you should never retire instead be meaningfully active always

How to live well, healthy, rich but die broke.

Why you should never retire and always keep yourself meaningfully engaged.

20 Benefits of keeping engaged meaningfully by working till you drop-dead [given randomly]

1.??Retirement is not as glamorous as you may feel while working and nearing say an age of 60

2.??In spite of the attraction of acquiring FIRE - Financial-independence to Retire-early - there are established negative connotations of retiring expecting enjoying life without doing anything

3.??A whopping 80% of working-class people work only because they need to although they hate their jobs - that is why it is not surprising that so many people look forward to retirement.

4.??People start believing that retirement would be their grand escape from their stressful and unfulfilling jobs.

5.??But one thing very few can relate - that - most people like working BUT what they hate is the nature of work they are doing - for many their workplace is full of criticism, no recognition, politics of cutting each other to get ahead, toxic bosses and incompetent leadership and they don’t feel as if they are making a valuable difference in the world with what they do

6.??YES if you are in work-culture of toxic, boring and frustrating work and the work that you hate - it can zap all your enthusiasm, energy and motivation to live - this you need to change

7.??People actually fell prey to the concept [popularized by say insurance companies for one] of enjoying their golden-years - sitting at home, enjoy sunrise and sunset, sipping coffee in the exotic locations and living happily ever-after with their children-grandchildren - BUT - in reality life does not happen this way for most.

8.??When we stop working also stop learning - when we stop solving problems and stop trying new things and stop developing new skills - our most of the life-skills become rusted and our memory deteriorates, we become bored and depressed.

9.??All of us in India have this concept of working till 60 and then they want to relax - PLEASE UNDERSTAND that prolonged relaxation without any long-term purpose - creates a very boring, unsettling and emotionally-mentally-physically unhealthy life.

10.??????????????There is a very powerful reward of taking actions, working and value of effort - it is not only about earning money

11.??????????????As a human being we have this tendency to unrealistically believe - that once we have enough money which can afford us the lifestyle that we want - we will be very blissful and contended doing nothing - this is far from the truth for most people

12.??????????????Did you ever had a conflict of choosing between go for earning money or go for relaxing vacations?

13.??????????????I am not sure how many would consciously choose leisure over opportunity to make money.

14.??????????????Yes saving and investing definitely is important for bad phases as well when you are unable to earn but need money.

15.??????????????But filling your serious earning time with leisure is also equally important - to have a fulfilling life

16.??????????????By keeping on working You get regular cyclic addition of money

17.??????????????It helps you grow and develop 360 degrees [when you do what you love]

18.??????????????Being engaged in work also creates a parallel social life for you

19.??????????????Keeps your brain active, alert and sharp

20.??????????????Enables you to contribute to worthy causes as well as in your passions

33 ways How to Un-retire the right way and living handsomely in style [given randomly]

1.??Work for physical-mental-emotional wellbeing

????I.???????Assuming you have enough to live on comfortably and want to stop working - the right way is - to keep working albeit for pleasure in the way it lifts you up - by doing what you feel great about doing.

??II.???????Live Well, Stay Rich, Never Retire -Continue on your path to stay rich

?III.???????Live deliberately -?Do not go with the flow-Identify and prioritize your goals -Decide on a plan to achieve those goals

?IV.???????Set a target for financial independence-Organize your earning and saving to ensure you reach your number

?V.???????Indulge in all that you missed while in race to make and save as much money as you can as quickly - to live and enjoy the good life - BUT this is only possible if you have a financial-setting which can take care of all these extras - without collapsing.

?VI.???????Determine your unique abilities-Accept your weak areas -Find team members with the unique abilities you lack

VII.???????While you are breathing and living - do not think of retiring

VIII.???????You may choose to work without any monetary gains - but work you must - till you kick the proverbial bucket

?IX.???????Meaningful engagement in Work is mandatory till you can - as this not only gives you a sense of purpose and reason to wake-up inspired- but also keeps you mentally, emotionally, socially and physically sharp - along with facilitating vibrant relationships.

?X.???????Nowadays - most of the illness and diseases are called lifestyle ailments - and that is why idea of retirement where we just relax is so flawed as sedentary life style can never be good for anyone Every day Go for walk, exercise, do Yoga to be physically agile and fit

2.??Social and Loneliness

????I.???????Loneliness is now considered as a serious psychological disorder causing trigger - and it happens to many of retirees - in the conventional job you will be in social and face to face contact with your colleagues

??II.???????You need to find multiple ways of keeping your loneliness at distance - joining hobby classes, going for sports and group-games, working and studying in public places, gardening, cooking for family members as a pleasure, active-dating if single, planning vacations with family etc.

?III.???????Have solid social-interactions and social-life

3.??Mental Health and Agility

????I.???????Do crossword puzzles and Sudoku

??II.???????Play with your grandchildren,

?III.???????Look after your plants

?IV.???????Try cooking different recipes

?V.???????Learn to play musical instruments

4.??Create mental flexibility and agility by giving solutions to the businesses, consulting, or mentoring startups - to live longer happily and to avoid diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s

5.??Create a life-long learning plan which thrills you, excites you fills you with positive expectancy - these may include learning about different culture, a new language and learning to play musical instruments etc.

6.??Travel in group of solo - trying new cuisine and atmosphere

7.??Volunteer your expertise

8.??Write blogs and articles

9.??Add real-value to your loved ones - without creating pressure on them

10.??????????????FINANCIAL Independence

????I.???????For Financial Independence - Never Retire - as Retirement may not fit or support your lifestyle

??II.???????Monitor Your Investment Portfolio - create your will - so that your inheritance pass on to the most deserving person

?III.???????Create multiple streams of income - so that you can take breaks between work and not lose sleep

?IV.????????Developing multiple streams of income simply means that your money isn’t coming from just one source - offering online courses - conducting paid workshops, listing your home or part of it on portals like AirBnB or StayVista

?V.???????Save a percentage of your income every month - Find your Minimum Viable Income (MVI) number, Choose an income stream that all goes to savings.

11.??????????????Contribute to worthy causes

12.??????????????Choose work - where you are able to work from anywhere in the world - even while traveling

13.??????????????Indulge in the things you truly value and which really makes you feel great

14.??????????????Standardize Your Standard of Living

15.??????????????We come to this world - with nothing and depart from our earthly-existence- taking nothing.

16.??????????????If you plan well you can live a great life and would also be able to leave a great-legacy to your most deserving heirs.

17.??????????????You need to learn how to manage all that you have acquired and accumulated in your lifetime - in such a way that you have crystal-clear directions and documentations - which would create meaningful positive differences to the mankind - especially after you are gone


19 causes that may force you to work in your old-age or twilight years

1.??????????For some reason - your entire savings/investment nest got wiped out

2.??????????Suddenly you find that because of some mishap - you have to take the role of bread-earner in the setting years of your life

3.??????????You Did not save enough

4.??????????You did not save regularly

5.??????????You did not invest regularly

6.??????????You Did not have a Financial Plan

7.??????????You invested Unwisely, recklessly or foolishly

8.??????????You had Poor Tax Planning

9.??????????You cashed out your Savings early

10.??????While working you created lots of financial-liabilities and debt

11.??????You did not plan for Health Costs

12.??????You do not have enough health insurance cover

13.??????You did not take into account the current high-cost of living and inflation and also the future cost

14.??????You did not think you will live so long

15.??????You encashed your investment during a bear market.

16.??????You are not getting adequate returns on your investments

17.??????You encashed too much, too soon

18.??????You are not able to manage your finances

19.??????You have diseases which are increasing chances of major medical bills

This article was originally published as “50 tips Why you should never retire for a great life “ in https://successunlimited-mantra.com/index.php/blog [1st]for more than 3000+ blogs, articles and answers on creating metamorphosis in every aspect of your life - personal, professional, business, mental, emotional, social, relationships - please visit all three links https://relationshipandhappiness.com/ [2nd] and https://www.quora.com/profile/Subhashis-Banerji [3rd]

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