This is why you should listen to your gut.
Being in LA you meet people everywhere. I was invited to a birthday party downtown but my gut told me, no do not go down town tonight. I could not figure out why but I tend to try to listen to my gut. So I felt I will find out soon why I was not supposed to go downtown.
So I thought to myself, maybe I need to see what other events are going on.
So low and behold as I was casually browsing eventbrite I realized yesterday was the full moon! Then I saw all these amazing full moon events. I saw this one that had an expert astrologer that I kept feeling called to go back to. Plus it was local which was extremely convenient! But I saw it cost $50. So I was trying to figure out if it was worth investing in the event. When it comes to investing is it always important to figure out what is the benefit vs the cost. I was feeling tired yesterday and so I was craving to be around something healing and good for my mindset.
So I went back and forth and asked myself, is it worth it? What will I get out of it?
Eventually after fighting with my own gut, I decided to finally give in and go to the event. First off, I had said to my coach just before this event that I was looking to find a class to take that is good for me. So in the meantime I signed up for this event and I thought I was going to be attending this sound bath event, cool, relaxing, great! But then I got there and I realized I manifested purchasing a yoga class that happened to have sound healing at the end!
Woah, I thought to myself. Be careful what you wish. So I stepped into the building with complete and utter amazement. This was a absolutely fabulous experience. The teacher spoke about Astrology and then we did a ton of different movements. This absolutely pushed my comfort zone but sometimes that is good for us to grow! Then the instructor had us get into groups where we share limiting beliefs. The universe is funny and paired me with someone who works in film! Here I was trying to something good for my soul and body and of course I end up being paired with someone out of all the people with someone who is a writer!
After we were done sharing what limiting beliefs we want to let go of, we were invited to do more movement. At the end of the class I was proud of myself for pushing myself to do something for my body and listen to my gut. Now I could of just walked out and went home but my gut told me, talk to the film maker.
So I walked up to the film maker that I was paired with and I found out his story. He just moved to LA a year ago. He was working on a documentary and was looking for help with finding music for it. I was laughing out loud. Of course when I least expect it and set an intention for health and mindset, do I attract a potential opportunity to help someone in film.
Ah, I see, I thought to myself, this is why I have to listen to my gut and not just do things impulsively but really tune into what my body is telling me.
This is why listening to your gut is so key in business and life!
Have you ever had a moment where you listened to your gut and it helped lead to a potential opportunity? If so share it below!