Why you should listen to this episode...and join the Purposeful Leadership Journey
Jeff Pelletier
The Life's Core Purpose Experience | Message Me For a FREE Purpose Experience!
A Meritocracy without virtue would be a free-for-all "jump-ball", a riotous grabbing to get as much as you can as fast you can. exactly the way some people treated toilet paper and hand sanitizer during the thick of the pandemic.
The political divide, the looting that happened after the death of George Floyd, the Facebook rage and the road rage that seems to be increasing it seems to me, are all signs of the absence or deficiency of Virtue.
We have the way out...... You and I can help STOP the decline.
Listen HERE (more below)
Meritocracy- defined
Political ideology
Meritocracy is a political system in which economic goods and/or political power are vested in individual people on the basis of talent, effort, and achievement, rather than wealth or social class. Advancement in such a system is based on performance, as measured through examination or demonstrated achievement.
Virtue- defined
Virtue is moral excellence. A virtue is a trait or quality that is deemed to be morally good and thus is valued as a foundation of principle and good moral being. Personal virtues are characteristics valued as promoting individual greatness.
A Virtuous Meritocracy is the ONLY way out. The alternative is a controlled society, which is exactly the direction we are headed. The myth is that control of people's behavior, either through law of through societal pressure (can you say political correctness?), can cause a "utopia" wherein everyone is treated "fairly"
Like all myths that one is a lie, a false belief. The ONLY way, is through each person living the life they are designed to live based on Excellence achieved by the application of their Life's Core Purpose along with the Virtues of Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Fathifulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control. No law is required when these are developed in each person
Jeff Pelletier.