This is Why You Should Join

You might be thinking, anyone can be a self-publisher, so what makes this course so special? I was asking the same questions when I first started. While it’s true that technically anyone can try their hand at self-publishing, that doesn’t mean they will be successful. The real question is: if self-publishing is so accessible, why should you invest in a course like the AI Publishing Academy?

At $1995 to enroll, the AI Publishing Academy might seem like a steep investment. However, it gives you all the tools you need to become financially free. These five benefits are why you should consider investing in the course.

Royalties earned from just one account (Thanks AIA!)

1. Learning from the Best

Starting again in a new industry can feel like you’re hitting the reset button in your career. It can be challenging and often feel overwhelming, as there are lots of things you don’t know yet.

But the good news is, gives you a chance to learn from genuine experts. Which will make breaking into the industry a lot easier for you.?

The course was started by Rasmus and Christian Mikkelsen, A.K.A the Mikkelsen Twins. The twins didn’t start by launching straight away. They actually started where you are now, by learning about self-publishing.

Eventually, they decided to pass the message on and teach people the ropes.?

When you take the course, you can learn from these masters of self-publishing. Plus, you get access to a community of other successful self-publishers. (More on that later!)

2. Wider Distribution

Amazon gets over 2 billion visitors every month. Imagine having that many eyes on your books?

A lot of people ask me if Amazon is over-saturated. With popular courses like this, there’s no wonder you’re thinking this.

But look at it this way: its popularity means there’s high demand. Reading is on the up, so if you can get your books in front of the right people, you can definitely make money.

AI Publishing Academy will help you to find the right niche. As a result, you can sell more eBook's. Simple, right??

3. A Supportive Community

One-to-one coaching is always an option.

In fact, I tried it.

But there’s nothing quite like the supportive community that comes with a course like AI Publishing Academy. When you sign up for, you also get added to the Facebook group, giving you a constant support network around you.

I found this massively helpful, as I could ask questions, connect with fellow learners, and receive an overflow of encouragement. Which is exactly what I needed.?

So whether you want to share your successes with people who get it or get some advice from those who’ve been there before, it’s all there.

I’ve met some amazing people through Both through Facebook and through in-person meetups. For me, this has been the major difference between using private coaches and taking courses.

I love supporting others in the community, too. It’s why I provide 11 bonuses to go along with your AIA education! Thank me later!

4. The Chance to Be Your Own Boss

Imagine a life where you can choose your own hours and work from anywhere in the world. What if that life wasn’t just a dream but could actually be your reality??

?AI Publishing Academy teaches you the skills needed to start your own business. Being your own boss is something a lot of us aspire to be, but not everyone is able to achieve this goal.

This course doesn’t promise instant riches, unlike some courses that will offer unrealistic promises of overnight wealth. This is why stands out from the rest. The course gives you realistic business strategies, where you can learn how to build a sustainable business.

Most months, I make over $10,000 by selling on Amazon. However, I didn’t do that in my first month! It took a while to get here, and I’m still building it up and up.

These days, I get to live the laptop lifestyle and have the ultimate freedom. And the sooner you start, the sooner you can do that, too.

5. Using AI for Speed and Efficiency

Of course, you can write your own book, but this is very time-consuming, and doesn’t always guarantee results.?

To tackle this challenge, there is a range of AI tools that can simplify the process. By learning how to effectively use AI, you can speed up your work and shorten the path to success.

AI can also help you:

  • Find a profitable topic to write on, with high demand and low competition
  • Write summaries, titles, and descriptions
  • Develop marketing materials to reach your target audience

AI has endless possibilities if you know how to use it right. The whole point of the AI Publishing Academy is learning how to make it work for you, and how to utilize the tools available to you.

Ultimately you can make more money in self-publishing, and incorporating AI can accelerate the whole process.?

Want Some Bonuses? Of Course You Do!

These are just a handful of reasons to take the AI Publishing Academy course. The Mikkelsen Twins can teach you so much, and there are hundreds of satisfied students who can testify to that.

But if you’re thinking of getting started, don’t dive in blindly. Start by reading my full review, and get the full lowdown on what you’ll learn.?

Don’t forget! My eleven AIA bonuses (worth $5500) will help you make the most of what the course has to offer. Trust me, they’re worth it!


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