Why You Should Have Personal Injury Protection on Your Auto Policy
One of the least expensive elections to an auto insurance policy is called Personal Injury Protection, referred to generally as “PIP” (P-I-P). Most people may not realize this is a coverage they have on their policies—it is a relatively obscure and innocuous coverage and goes hand-in-hand with Uninsured/Underinsured (“UM/UIM”) coverage.
People may not realize they DO NOT HAVE PIP coverage when asked, although a person must specifically deny/waive it when applying for coverage (or at policy issuance). PIP can help defray such costs as medical bills, lost wages and other expenses that may occur in an automobile accident. PIP can even help protect your friends and family after a covered accident (if they occupy the covered vehicle).
Personal Injury Protection is a “no-fault” coverage that is required in some states, but is not required to be on a policy in Texas. Personal Injury Protection “no fault” insurance generally means that regardless of which driver was at fault, some of the medical expenses for the policyholder and others in the policyholder’s auto may be covered by this insurance ... FULL ARTICLE HERE