Why You Should Establish Your Digital Marketing BEFORE Building Your Website
Big Rock Digital
??BigRockDigital.io?? We Help Businesses Convert Visitors Into Customers Using The Latest Digital Marketing Techniques
If you're considering a website overhaul or starting a new business, now is also a good time to establish a solid digital marketing strategy. Before you dive into website development consider these 6 elements:
1. Planning for the Longer Term
Ad Learning and Automation work better with a strong organic presence. Creating your audiences in advance gives the lead time to build an online presence that digital platforms trust.
2. Understanding Your Audience:
By crafting your digital marketing strategy first, you get a clear picture of your target audience. It guides you in building a website that resonates with them, ensuring your site attracts the right crowd from day one.
3. Being SEO-Friendly:
SEO isn’t just a post-development task. When you prioritise digital marketing, you integrate effective SEO strategies into your site's foundation, making your website more visible and attractive to search engines and customers alike.
4. Saving Time and Resources:
Imagine having to make significant changes to your freshly built website because it doesn’t align with your marketing strategy. Avoid wasting time and resources by synchronising your website build with your marketing plans.
5. Creating Consistent Branding:
Get your branding spot-on across all platforms by aligning your site design with your marketing strategy. Consistency is key to a trustworthy and professional image.
6. Having Clear CTAs:
Your digital marketing strategy will outline the actions you want visitors to take. Embed these Call-to-Actions into your site's design for seamless navigation and higher conversions.
P.S. Acting on this now avoids hassle later. Build a robust digital marketing strategy to maximise your website's potential.
It's so important to plan for digital marketing in conjunction with building your company website ??